Chapter 23: Bad day?

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Qrow's P.O.V. 

I shuffled in my sleep as I snuggled deeper into my pillow as I sighed. "Winter....." as I patted the space next to me, only to realize that I was patting onto air.

My eyes widened. "Winter!!" I sat up letting the covers fall off my bare chest. But the only thing I see is an empty bed side and a note on the nightstand.

I reach over and take the note.

Dear Qrow,

I went to look for Weiss. I know you would be angry about me leaving, but Weiss is the only family I have and you should know how that feels like. I'll look for you in Chirstmas.... I'm sorry.

Love Winter,

I sighed. "You could've at least woke me up...." I said putting the letter in my pocket. I grabbed a shirt and joined the others for breakfast.

"Morning Uncle Qrow!!" Ruby said chewing on some toast.

I mumbled a good morning in respond, scratching the back of my head.

Nora hands me a cup of coffee as the rest digs into their breakfast.

"I'm going to town today Oscars in charge okay?" I said putting my weapon on my back.

"But he's 13!!" Ruby said.
"Yet he has a soul that's 500 years old" I said closing the door.

I take out my scroll as I look through my contacts. Most of the people here were unresponsive or on a mission.

I went to a restraunt and spoke to the owner "Do you know where this guy is?" I said showing my scroll to him.

The owner frowns taking out his butcher knife.

"Uhhhh......" I look at the blade that seems to shine at the tip.


The knife flys by my ear as it lands on the wall next to me as I run for the exit. "I guess not!!"

I sighed. This wasn't a good start at all...

I crossed the name out and headed to the next person stopping in front of a house. I knocked on the door. 

A man in his 30s opened it "Can I help you?"

"Do you know where this women is?" I said brushing my hair back.

His eyes scans the picture as he looks away. "I don't know..." He starts to shut the door, but I stop him.

"Listen pal I had a rough day!! So you better tell me-" before I could finish a little girl appeared from the doorway.

"Daddy... does he where mommy is?" She whispers.

My eyes widened

"Uncle Qrow...." Ruby and Yang said as they held onto each other worriedly. "Do you know where mommy is?"

I look at both of them sadly. "I'm so sorry..." I said walking away from them.

I sighed leaning on the balcony gates "No luck..." I muttered into my hands. I opened up my scroll looking through my messages.

Winter still hadn't responded to my texts. I sighed again, she's one of the best soldiers of Atlas she'll be fine...

I crouch down "but what if she's not..."

I face the view of the sun setting. I wonder if she was looking at the same scene.....

I heard something open up behind me, "Raven?" I look behind me.

Only to see Yang and Ice Queen's little brat show up through the portal as they ride through on Yang's motorcycle.

Yang removes her sunglasses and says
"Good morning Uncle Qrow..."

When both of them came in the house all of them started hugging and crying. I had to smack Ruby's head to make her stop crying.

I look at all of them finally reunited as I smile. It almost reminded me of my old team. "I'm going to set up the table okay?" I said as all of them nodded and returned to their conversation.

I brought out all the forks as Weiss came over with the plates.

"Winter.... she's fine......." she says putting down the plates on the table.

I looked up at her and smile

"I never asked..."
"But I could tell you were worried about her..."

She sighs crossing her arms "I never knew why she liked you... But now I can tell.. you care alot about her..."

I'm stunned for a second then I smirked "Yah..."

"I'm starving uncle Qrow!!" As Ruby slings on my shoulder. The rest of the team crowds over the table sitting down.

"Guys wait!! Let me get the food first!!" I laughed as they all digged in.

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now