Chapter 31: Back Together

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Winter's P.O.V.

I was at the beginning wasn't I, my heels clicking against the hallways but it wasn't because the hate I held for Qrow. It was the opposite, the door opens as the doctor nods his head allowing me inside.

The heart machine beeps to the beat and Qrow lays asleep on the hospital bed. His head was wrapped around and he had a breathing mask. I sighed taking a seat next to him. "Its been so long..."

I take my gloved hand and brushed his feathery hair back. "What are you doing here.." I whisper softly. I never thought I would see him again.

Suddenly his hand caught my wrist. "Win..ter?" Qrow says slowly, his voice muffled from the mask and his eyes fluttering open.

I breathe slowly, he's alive. What do I do next? Should I act angry, punch him for being an idiot?! I stood frozen with his hand gripped around my wrist.

Qrow sat up, eyes staring into mine's. "Winter!?" He removed his mask, and I guess that's what snaps me back.

"Qrow! Put your mask back on, you're still recovering!" I say taking his arms. But he still doesn't do anything, just stares at me.

My face flushes, "Will you quit staring at me and do something!?" I sigh, frustrated trying to cover up my blush "I save you from a plane crash, almost with you dying! And all you do is stare!? Jeez! You're such a-"

He caught me unexpectedly, arms wrapped around me. And tears caught in his voice "Thank god, thank god you're still alive!" He faces me, and smiles "I never thought I'd see you again..."

I stare at him in disbelief, which got me more angry "WHY ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT ME!" I smack him.


I punch him in the chest, which makes yell in pain. My tears stream down my cheeks, "I was worried about you good for nothing drunkard!" I sigh "I thought you would've died..."

The hunter turns silent at the moment then brushes his fingers on my cheeks, wiping away the tears. "Well, doesn't that make two of us?"

He pulls me closer so that my head is resting on his chest and I embrace him with my arms. "I hate you so much..." I stammered gripping his patient's clothes.

Qrow chuckles,
"I love you too, Ice Queen..."

I will always (Love) HATE you *A Qrowin Story* (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now