Chapter 2

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Arnav was driving his SUV at an insane speed. The fact that he told Khushi the reason for marrying her, is relaxing his mind. But at the same time his heart is constantly reminding him, her tearful face and how broken she looked when he accused her. 

He stopped his car with a loud screech on a deserted road and slammed his hand on the steering wheel. He came out of the car and screamed.

Why Khushi, why you did this to me? Was my love not enough for you? He fell on his knees.

Before I met you, I was just breathing Khushi. You teached me to live the life to the fullest. You brought colours in my life. You were the reason that I laughed after a long time. He smiled remembering the rare moments.

It was you that made me realize that I too have a heart, that can love somebody. He clutched his shirt above his heart.

And now you are the reason that I am again left in the darkness. His hold tightened.

Before meeting you atleast I did not have any hope of finding love, but when you made me realize the feeling of love, why you betrayed me? He questioned to thin air.

How could you do this Khushi, How could you? I loved you Khushi, I loved you. Why you did this to me Khushi, Why? A tear rolled down his cheek.

It was not easy to accuse the love of your life. Not easy to see tears in the eyes of your love when you want only happiness for her. Not easy to see your love in someone else's arms when you are about to confess your love to her. Not easy to hear your love telling your brother-in-law to leave your Di, your mother-figure. Not easy to hear from your so-called jeejaji that he does not love your di, but someone else, and that someone is YOUR OWN LOVE...

Slowly Arnav rose, wiped his tears and said to himself,  Get a grip on yourself Mr Arnav Singh Raizada. You are not an emotional fool to get affected by that girls' tears.

Don't you know the intentions of middle-class girls? She was doing that all just to get money, and girls like that can't love anybody. Starting the car, he made his way towards Gupta house.




Gupta House:

Buaji was sitting in the living room and drinking tea, when Garima came and sat beside her, Jeeji, She called her, Yes, what happened, is there any problem? You are looking a little pale, Shashi Babua is okay, right?

Yes, jeeji, Shashiji is okay. I want to talk to you about Sha- sha- Shyam. Garima gulped.

Arnav was about to enter the house but stopped hearing Shyam's name, Why buaji and aunty talking about Shyam?

Buaji gets angry hearing his name, What about him now? He already destroyed so many lives. She flared up.

Jeeji, Payal and Khushi both are
married in the same house where Shyam lives, I am really worried about Khushi, what if Shyam again did something to hurt her and if he told everything to Arnav babua how will he react? Garima sighed, tensed.

Arnav got a little confused but continued to listen to them.

I too fear the same, if not for me, Khushi would not have met him. I brought that man in our lives and I am regretting it from the time when I came to know about his true colours. You know Garima, when sanka devi married Arnav babua, I was angry on her but for one reason I was really happy, too! Buaji opened her heart to her SIL.

What do you mean, jeeji? Garima asked confused.

I mean, Arnav babua is a really powerful person. If Khushi stayed here after Payal's marriage, God knows what that Shyam would have done to her. Atleast now she have the protection of her husband. She explained.

I don't know the reason for their sudden marriage, but I hope that Arnav babua protect our bitiya from that man. Buaji looked towards the door and saw Arnav standing there numbly.

She gets a little scared seeing his condition but manages to say, Arey, Arnav babua. Why are you standing outside? Come. She got up.

And where is Sanka devi? Its late evening and she is still not home. Let her come, I will surely scold her. Buaji tried to lighten the situation.

Arnav goes towards them and say with a small voice, Buaji! How do you people know Shyam? Who is he to you? How did you met him? Buaji shook her head when he added.

Please Buaji, I want to know the truth and only truth! He clenched his fist.

Buaji was a little taken back. She looked towards Garima, who nodded her head so sighing, she began the story of SHYAM MANOHAR JHA.

She told him how they met Shyam when Arnav released the footage of fashion show. How Khushi and Payal came to Delhi due to the taunts of the people.

How Shyam told them that he is an orphan and stayed as a paying guest. How, when Shashi got hospitilized, Shyam made them believe that he;(Shashi) wants Khushi to get engage with Shyam.

How Khushi refused at first but later on Diwali night she agreed for the engagement. (Arnav didn't have to do rocket science to understand what made her agree)

And after some days, how Khushi found the truth of Shyam being Anjali's husband and she broke the engagement. But Shyam continued to roam around her, not a single bit guilty on decieving them. And then, Arnav marrying Khushi with a reason only known to him.

When buaji finished telling her story about Shyam, Arnav was trying hard to control his tears. He was just thinking one thing, What I did to the poor soul? She was not the guilty one. She was not. The love I have for my Di made me blind. I failed to acknowledge the truth.

The Harvard graduated man was feeling like a brainless person. I had the courage to ask my so called jeejaji but didn't have enough courage to confront Khushi, whom I loved ?

Thinking about Khushi he suddenly got scared. What if, what if Khushi did something to herself. No, no, no. She can't, she can't.

Trying to remove every negative thought from his mind, he rushed outside and got in his SUV. The whole Laxmi Nagar stood still as his car zoomed out of sight.



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