Chapter 8

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Arnav rushed towards Shantivan. All kinds of thoughts were playing in his mind.

Was Di alright?
Why was she sounding so scared?
What can be the reason?
Did Shyam do anything?
If yes, than WHAT?
And baby? Was she alright?

Atlast, he reached there and rushed inside the house like a tornado.

Di. He shouted on the top of his voice. But nobody answered. There was complete silence. Not a single sound.

This made Arnav more restless. He ran towards Anjali's room but she was not there also.

Feeling scared he searched whole house. Not finding anyone, he went to his room. Where is everyone? And Di? She called me here herself and now she is nowhere to be seen. What happened here?

Feeling confused, scared and worried at the same time, he entered his room, only to stop in his tracks. Di, he whispered.

Anjali was sitting on the floor, beside his bed, crying. He reached her. When she didn't acknowledged his presence, he touched her shoulder, and she shuddered.

Panicked, she looked upward. Seeing her chotte, she cried and hugged him tightly.

Ch-o-tt-e, she sobbed. Arnav caressed her back and head whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Ssshhh, Di. I am here now. Don't cry. Everything is okay. Ssshhh. Nothing will happen to you. Just stop crying. I am here for you. Ssshhh. Anjali was still not ready to let go of him and continued sobbing in his chest.

Arnav was confused, he needed answers otherwise he would go insane, seriously. Gently breaking hug, he cupped Anjali's face and wiped her tears.

Di, look at me. Your chotte is here with you. I am not leaving you alone. I am here for you. Always. Don't cry please. For me.

Eventually, Anjali stopped crying and looked in his eyes. Atlast she seem to understand that she is safe now. Her chotte will do anything to save her. To protect her and her rajkumari. He won't leave her alone.

Arnav saw many emotions pass by her face. Fear. Helplessness. Hope. Trust. Belief. Love.

He again tried to make her talk. Di, please talk to me. Tell me what happened here? Where is everyone? Why are you alone? Tell me, Di.

Arnav made her sit properly on the bed and sat beside her. She put her head on his shoulder, gaining strength from him, and began to tell him everything, that happened with her in his absence.

Chotte, its about Shyam.

Arnav gritted his teeth and said,

What about him? Did he do anything to you?

Arnav didn't fail to notice that Anjali has called him SHYAM, instead of SHYAM JI.

Does this mean that she- His thought was halted by Anjali's voice.

Chotte, from the time you and Khushiji went to Gupta House, Shyam's behavior totally changed. He remained angry almost all the time. He vented his frustration on me. No, no he didn't hurt me physically, she added immediately, seeing Arnav clenching his teeths.

But his changed behavior was enough to hurt me emotionally. I was angry on myself because I thought that I was not able to give him much time due to pregnancy.

So I tried to spend as much time with him as I could. But still, it was of no use. She sobbed. He was still the same. He was not the man I knew. Instead of being happy, he started getting more angry.

This went on for few days. He started keeping himself away from home in the name of work, and returned at night only. Four days back, he told me that he is going to Mumbai for a month. I was sad, but still didn't said anything.

He left and everything went on smoothly, until I spotted him at a restaurant with a girl. They were too close for comfort. They were behaving like a couple. First, I thought to confront him, but then deciding against it, I took their pictures and came home.

I called Aman, and asked him to do a background check on him.

Arnav cut in between and said, But why didn't Aman informed me?

Because I told him not to. I sent you to Gupta House so that you and Khushiji come close to each other. I didn't want to interfere. She confessed.

Anyway, Aman told me yesterday morning that Shyam is a fraud. He is a lawyer, but only for namesake. In actual, he is worse than a goon.

Instead of helping people and solving their cases, he blackmails them. He is also involved in money laundering. In short, he is a criminal, chotte.

Arnav's eyes widened at this piece of news.

Shyam is a criminal. I married my Di to a criminal? What kind of a brother I am?

As though Anjali could hear his thoughts, she gently cupped his face and said,

No chotte, there is no mistake of yours. It was me who was adamant to marry him. Don't blame yourself even for a second for a thing you didn't do.

Arnav nodded and gulped his tears. But Di, where is everyone and why are you sitting in this room?

Chotte, Nani went to temple. Aakash is in office and mamiji went to her friend's home. Payalji went to market. I don't know how, but Shyam found out that I have initiated a background check on him.

He came here. I was alone in the house and was feeling suffocated so I came to your room to sit on the poolside, for fresh air.

When Shyam entered, he called me, but I knew that it is not save for me and my baby so I remained hidden in your room.

He searched whole house, but luckily didn't came here. Not finding anyone he again went to hall. I think that he must have thought that everyone has gone out.

He stood in the hallway, looking here and there. I quietly came behind a pillar and hid myself.

He looked towards my room and said,
'Its your lucky day that you are not home today, Anjali. Otherwise I would have killed you and your daughter. I can't make Khushiji mine, just because of you two. Don't worry, I will come back soon and this time, I will make sure that you both don't stay alive.'

Then he went outside the house. I was really scared, chotte, so I called you.

After a moment of silence, Anjali said,
What will happen now, chotte ? He is really dangerous person. He can do anything to make Khushiji his, but Chotte, I know Khushiji. She is not like such girls who breaks other women's home.

Aman also told me that Shyam stayed at Gupta House as a paying guest. He tricked the Guptas and got engaged with Khushiji. But she broke her engagement after knowing that he is my husband.

What if Shyam again did anything to Khushiji in his madness? What if he did anything to my rajkumari? I won't be able to live without her. Please chotte, save me and Khushiji from his madness. Please protect us chotte.

Anjali again kept her head on his shoulder while he said,

Don't worry, Di. I will make sure that he don't hurt you and Khushi. Enough is enough now. Now he will see the wrath of ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA. I promise, Di, that he will get severe punishment for the sins he did. Trust me. I won't let anything happen to you, Khushi and rajkumari. You all are my life. I love you all.

He kissed Anjali's forehead and thought,

Now it's time to be the same ruthless ASR. Shyam Manohar Jha, you messed with the wrong person. Now wait and watch, what I do to you for playing with three important girls of my life.

My life, my Di.
My heartbeat, my Khushi.
My breathings, my Rajkumari.



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