Thanking You!!!

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Hey guyzzz,,, long time no see, right??

Well, I am not back, but today only I realized that it's been a year since I joined Wattpad... 😱

And what a year it has been!!! 😆

All thanks to you guyzzzz... 💋

When I first started, I was a silent reader... I didn't even vote on the stories... *shy much*🙈

My first interaction was with ninishta15 and that too about the launch of Ipkknd 3... We both hated it,, no offense... 😙

Time passed and gradually I started commenting and voting on stories... I got many friends here through my comments... 😍

One day, a story line came in my mind. I thought to tell Nishu about it but when I was narrating that to her, I stopped and frowned at my mobile screen. I thought 'if I could narrate it than why can't I write it??' 😕

I shared with Nishu and she gave me the much needed push resulting in the publishing of my first baby
"Bitter Realization"!!! Wooohoo... 😘😍

It was this story only on which my di aka suryakavi0912 wrote looonngg comments which resulted in our sisterly bond!!! 😍

And after a year, I can proudly say that from my FIRST story "Bitter Realization" I came as far as my THIRTEENTH story "Chotte to ASR"...

From OS, TS, FS, upto 23 chapters, I can say that I had come a long way!!! 😇

From only 1 follower in the beginning, I have currently 597 followers... And this gives me a strange kind of satisfaction that I am not wasting my time!! 😂

I seriously LOVE you all guyz out there!!! Those who read and comment on my stories have a special place in my heart!!! 💖

So, THANK YOU, GUYZZ,,, for making me a Writer!!! It's you only who encouraged me on my this journey!!! 😇

Give a bear hug to yourselves from myside!!! 🙌



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