Chapter 15

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At around 9 pm Khushi opened her eyes on some tingling sound. Looking above, her eyes widened in shock. Blinking to remove sleep, she looked at the door from where the sound was coming.

She was again shocked, but what shocked her the most was the thing hanging on the wall.

How these came here? She thought in amazement. At the same time, Arnav entered the room, holding a tray filled with food.

You woke up!? He gazed at Khushi and then a smile came on his face. Do you like them? He asked when he saw her eyes wandering in the room.

Khushi glanced at him and then at the wind chimes behind him, from there her eyes went to the stars hanging above her bed. Salman Khan's poster was pasted on the wall.

How they? She left her sentence.

I brought them when I packed your things. I th-thought that you won't feel alone... Khushi was confused as Arnav left his sentence.

Seeing her confusion he said, with your Amma and Babuji. Khushi glanced at the stars, her eyes got teary remembering the last time she saw and talked to them!

Do you really think that all this will make any difference?? She asked in an icy voice.

Arnav hung his head low, guilt engulfing him again.

Khushi scoffed and looked at the window beyond which the night was becoming dark.

Just like my life. She thought in pain.

I know Khushi, his voice brought him back, that what I did was really really wrong. But at least let me try to win you back.

These little things are little in real but they will pave my way to your heart. Please let me try. Arnav's eyes got teary. His hands were shaking making the plates rattle on the tray.

Khushi didn't say anything. Arnav was waiting for her reply but when she remained silent, he came forward and sat beside her on bed, keeping the tray on the side table.

So Mr. Raizada, you wanted her to remain silent na than now why are you feeling bad??

It hurts, right??

To get pain from your loved ones!!

His inner self mocked at him, tearing him. Pushing the feel of burning aside, he concentrated on feeding Khushi.

Khushi saw numerous colors on his face. Arnav leaned towards her and helped her to sit up. Making her comfortable with the cushions and being assure that her back was not stressing, he picked the food and kept on his lap.

Khushi looked at food and made a disgusted face, I don't want to eat all this, she said pointing towards the vegetable soup and boiled rice with gravy.

Khushi, you have to. These have proteins and will help you get better soon. Arnav tried to make her understand.

But she shook her head, No, I don't want to. Please.

Khushi, meri jan, please eat some. Okay, I will give you a surprise after this. Arnav made a deal. He knew that Khushi was acting childish because of constantly staying in bed. She was getting irritated.

He brought a spoonful towards her and gestured through his eyes to eat.

Keeping eye contact with him, Khushi leaned and put the spoon in her mouth. Arnav smiled.

As she gulped the content she closed her eyes. The soup was just as she liked; spicy, less salty, vegetables chopped in small cubes.

A smile broke on her lips, it's really tasty, she said in a trance. Arnav's smile widened.

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