Chapter 3

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Arnav was driving at a great speed. He was scared to lose his Khushi; the love of his life. He was disgusted with himself, was his love that weak that he failed to trust his Khushi?

She was so innocent, pure and loved everyone without any demand. But due to his misunderstanding, she became a victim of his hatred. She bore the accusations of both the family, although there was no fault of her.

Arnav was remembering all the moments he spent with Khushi.

The day when she fell in his arms just like an angel. The moment when she made him laugh after a long time. Their small romantic moments during Payal and Akash's wedding.

Their romantic dance on Teri Meri.
And then the destroying moment, when he found Khushi in the arms of that Shyam.

How could I trust Shyam even after knowing my Khushi, How? He thought helplessly.

Just when he was thinking all this, his heart skipped a beat and he heard a voice, a small voice, just like a whisper, of his Khushi;


His heart beat accelerated. He felt in his heart that his Khushi is in danger; grave danger. He increased the speed of the car and rushed towards the building.

When he got there, he saw Khushi, lying lifelessly on the ground. There was BLOOD all around her. And that was it, Arnav thought that he lost his love, his life, his everything.

He was crying, yes, the MIGHTY ASR was crying for the same middle-class girl who he thought does not affect him. He ran towards Khushi, and pulled her in his lap.

Khushi, Khushi open your eyes. Say something. Arnav cried.

Khushi, talk to me. I am telling you to speak dammit. Khsuhiiii... He cupped her face.

He picked Khushi in his arms and unlike everytime, Khushi did not grab his shirt in her fist.

Arnav was afraid, really afraid. He rushed towards the car, safely put Khushi in the front passenger seat, secured her with the seat-belt and ran towards the driving seat.

He got in the seat, started the car and made his way towards the nearest hospital. He kept his eyes on the road and at the same time, on Khushi as well. The blood was still oozing out of her head and Arnav kept his hand on her face to block more blood.

Khushi, you can't do this to me. I can't live without you. Don't give such big punishment for my mistakes. His one hand was on Khushi and other on the steering wheel.

I know I did a grave mistake by believing that Shyam but please Khushi, slap me, shout at me, just don't leave me. He glanced at her angelic face covered with red blood.

I won't be able to breath without you. Khushi hai tu Arnav hai. Khushi nahi tu Arnav ka koi wajood nai. Please Khushi, stay with me. Just stay with me. Please God, save my Khushi. Please. Just be with her God, be with her. Arnav's voice broke due to his tears. (Arnav is alive because of Khushi. If no Khushi, then there will be no Arnav)

The man who writes his own destiny, who doesn't believe in God and prayers at all, was praying just for the safety of his Khushi.

How could you become so blind that you failed to acknowledged the truth. His heart reprimand him.

The man who has the ability to even find the history of a dead man, failed to find the history of his own Di's husband! His heart mocked.

How could you become so cruel that you didn't saw the pain Khushi was going through. You become so blind in your own past that you destroyed a life of a girl. Not once, not twice, but many times. His heart showed him mirror.

He knew that he had committed a mistake- scratch that- a sin. And he was really guilty of it, but what was the use now?

They reached the hospital and Arnav again took Khushi in his arms and entered the hospital. He made her lie on the stretcher and called for the doctor.

The doctor and the staff boys came quickly to Arnav and the doctor looking at the condition of Khushi, said to his team, Take her to the OT and prepare for the operation. She has lost a lot of blood. Make it quick.

The doctor told Arnav to complete the formalities until they start the Operation.

Arnav made his way towards the reception and filled the form with a shaky hand. He was unable to concentrate and seeing his condition, a nurse helped him to fill the form.

After filling the required information, he made his way towards the operation theatre and just as he reached there, the red light glowed on the door, indicating that the operation has started.



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