Chapter 9

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After making sure that Anjali has calm down, Arnav came outside his room and called Akaash, informing him about everything and told him to keep it a secret until Shyam is behind bars.

Aakash, I am taking Di and Khushi to Mumbai. It will not be safe for them to stay here. Explain this to Nani and others. I will leave as soon as possible. AR will be under your supervision. Do well. Take care. Bye. Arnav took Aakash under confidence.

Okay Bhai. Don't worry. Take care of Khushiji and Di. I will handle everything here. I will also keep a close check on Shyam, and will inform you if he do anything. Bye. Aakash replied like a good brother.

Arnav cut the call and came inside the room again, and said to Anjali, Di, go and pack your things. We are going to Mumbai. It's not safe for you and baby to stay here. I have told everything to Aakash, he will handle everyone here. Just make it quick.

Anjali was about to argue but then nodded. She went to her room to pack her belongings.

Arnav connected bluetooth to his ear and called Aman, at the same time he placed two bags on the bed and started putting his own and Khushi's things in the bag.

Aman picked up the phone and said, Hello ASR.

Aman, I need to you do somethings for me right now. So start making notes, I won't repeat. Arnav, like always, came to the point and ordered Aman.

Yes, ASR. I am all ears. Continue.

First of all, I need you to arrange a house near sea in Mumbai. The house should have beautiful sea view. Then hire two women, one for care taking the house and other should be a nurse, best, ofcourse.

Nurse? Is everyone okay? Aman was a bit worried.

Aman, everything is fine. Don't intrept. Just do as I say. Arnav was reluctant to disclose more.

Okay, pardon.

Anyway, also find the best gynecologist in Mumbai, and send her Di's reports and gyne number. Make sure my chopper is ready within 5-6 hours. And last but the most important thing, arrange the best protection at the house.

Okay, ASR. Consider it all done. Anything else? Aman assured him like a good employee.

Arnav thought for a while whether to trust Aman or not. But thinking about his past track-record and the fact that he helped Anjali when he was not there, he realized that Aman was indeed a trustworthy man. So he said,

Yeah Aman, keep a close check on Shyam Manohar Jha and update me about his deeds. You have already done a background check on him. Find out more about him. I have to hurry now. Do inform me when all the things are done. Bye.

Saying this he cut the call. Looking at the suitcases, he checked whether everything was in it or not. Making sure he got everything, even Khushi's wind chimes, not to mention Salman Khan's poster, he closed the bags and zipped them.

He made his way to the living room and placed the bags there and then went to Anjali. She had also packed everything. He took her bag and they came to the car. Safely putting the luggage in the boot, he came to the driving seat while Anjali sat beside him.

On the road, Arnav was thinking that he had to take Anjali to Khushi, so he initiated the talk,

Di. I have to say something to you. But please don't panic at all. It won't be good for baby.

Chotte. What are you hiding? Wait, is it about Khushiji? Anjali felt something suspicious as Khushi was not with him, nor with the Guptas.

Di how did you kno- Arnav was surprised.

Leave it. Just tell me what happened to her? Anjali cut in.

Arnav sighed and then parked his car aside. Di, she - she tried to commit suicide.

What? Anjali was shocked. Hell shocked. But Why?

Actually, Di. It's all because of me, I confronted her of having affair with Shyam and called her charac-characterless. Believe me, di, I didn't know the whole truth at that time. But she was heartbroken. So she-she jumped from a build- building.

Anjali looked at Arnav with shock.

How can you do this to her? How is she now? Anjali was devasted.

She is much better, now. But doctor adviced to take her to sea-side, it will be good for her. That's why I am taking you both to Mumbai.

Anjali was still not able to believe that her chotte can do this, Khushiji had to bear so many things, all because of that Shyam. She was feeling more hatred towards him.

How could you do this, chotte? Didn't you loved her? Was your love this weak that you failed to trust her? She could have lost her life, just because of you. Anjali chided Arnav.

Don't say like that Di. I- I apologized to her. She will understand me. Arnav felt his breath hitch just listening to this.

Like always, right? Why she has to understand you everytime? Why can't you understand her? Anyways, take me to her. I want to meet her.

Arnav was still looking at Anjali, guiltly. Anjali turned her face and said,

Drive, Arnav.

Arnav looked at her in shock. She just called him Arnav instead of Chotte.

So what did you expect from her? That she would hug you? Forgive you? Pat your back and say, Well done chotte. I am proud of you? His heart mocked at him. Sighing, he started the car and made his way towards Hospital. He knew it would be a long journey to woo his ladies back.





Arnav and Anjali entered the room. Khushi was staring at the wall, lost in some thoughts. Anjali came near her and gently caressed her face.

That brought her back from her imaginary world and she looked towards Anjali,

Di. You? She asked surprised.

Khushiji. How are you now? I am so sorry. All this happened just because of that Shyam. He is the real culprit behind all this.

Khushi looked at Anjali and then at Arnav, who was still standing at the door. She questioned him with her eyes, Arnav nodded slightly.

Di. Don't say sorry. It's my fault too. I should have told you about Shyam but your love made me stop. I became selfish because I don't want to see tears in your eyes. I am sorry, Di. Khushi said, guilty of her emotions.

Anjali cupped her face and wiped her tears. Don't cry, Khushiji. You were not at fault. That man was more dangerous than you can ever imagine.

What do you mean, Di? Khushi sniffed.

Anjali told her all about Shyam, his doings, his lies, his crimes. Everything.

When she finished, Khushi was tongue-tied. He was that dangerous!

Khushiji. I am fine now. Don't worry. Arnav came at the right moment. He handled everything. We are going to Mumbai. We will be safe there and it will be good for your health, too. You will come with me, right?

Khushi didn't missed Anjali calling Arnav as Arnav not chotte.

This means that she is angry with Arnavji. Khushi thought.

Anjali was a little unsure about her company. Khushi made her mind and looked at Arnav, who didn't utter a single word from the time he arrived.

She sighed and said.



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