Chapter 6

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Arnav was sitting on a bench, waiting for Dr. Armaan, who was currently in ICU, checking Khushi. After a while, he came outside and gestured Arnav to come with him.

Have a seat, Mr. Raizada. Dr. Armaan said to Arnav who was still standing near the door. Arnav came and sat opposite to him. So, Mr. Raizada, I want to know, what actually happened to Khushi? How she landed in such condition? And I need to hear the truth.

Arnav gulped, Sh-sh- She jumped from a building. He said without meeting his eyes.
Oh my God! Armaan was shocked.

After a while he said,
Look, Arnav, you know that she is really fragile and upon this her fall!! It could have been fatal, you understand this right? I must say, she is really lucky to pass this accident without any serious injuries. But still, she needs a lot of care now. Her head injury is healing at a good speed. It will be alright completely after 1-2 weeks at least. But I am scared about her legs right now - Armaan cut off his sentence with a sigh.

Arnav became stiff. His mind was thinking only one thing, Her legs. What about her legs? What if, what if she never, no no no, Arnav, you can't think like that. She will be alright. Nothing will happen to her. Atlast, when he saw that Armaan is not continuing, said, What about her legs? His voice was shaking.

See, she fell on ground from a height, it will obviously cause some complications in her body. Right now, I am worried about her back and legs. But I can only update you after she gain consciousness. We have shifted her to room. You can go and meet her.

Arnav slowly got up and made his way towards the door. Just as he reached there, Dr. Armaan called him. He turned to face him. Dr. Armaan said, Arnav, the reports are yet to come. Don't tense yourself thinking about a thing which is not happened yet. But still I will say, Hope for the best but be prepare for the worst. Arnav gave a light nod and came outside the cabin.

He made his way to the room and entered it. There he saw Khushi lying on the bed. Her eyes were still closed, with dark circles underneath them. The lips, which were always smiling, talking, laughing, were closed. The girl who can't sit idol and silent for even a second, was resting in the same position for more than 12 hours, without uttering a single word.

Arnav felt like crying, scratch that, he was crying, seeing her helpless condition. Upon that, Dr. Armaan's words were constantly ringing in his mind.

It could have been fatal, you understand this right?

She needs a lot of care now.

I am scared about her legs right now.

I will say, Hope for the best, but be prepare for the worst.

She is really lucky to pass this accident without any serious injuries.

He came near Khushi and gently interwined her hand with his, Khushi, Please open you eyes na. Look at me, talk to me. Khushi please come back. I miss you. Please Khushi. Arnav rested his head on their interwined hands, crying hard.

Suddenly, he felt Khushi's hold tightening on his hand. His head shot towards her face, she was slowly trying to open her eyes.

Aaahhh- she cried as her free hand moved towards her head.

Arnav called for the doctor.
Dr. Armaan entered the room along with his team and started examining Khushi, while Arnav stood there nervously. He saw Armaan keeping his stethoscope on her heart, listening to her heartbeats while the nurse checked her blood pressure and other body vitals.

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