Chapter 19

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Sun was about to rise and the sky was painted with orange and red shades. Morning breeze was cool and soothing as it caressed Arnav's face.

With slow steps, Arnav reached the door and pushing it, entered cottage. Every thing was silent.

Sighing, he went upstairs to his room, showered and changed into comfortable track pants and a t-shirt. Combing his hair with his fingers, Arnav opened the door of Khushi's room with as little noise as possible.

Khushi was lying, her face towards the door. Her hairs fell on her face, hiding it. Arnav smiled and came near her. It was a little cold and Arnav saw that her blanket was up till her waist only.

He rounded the bed and climbed the bed from the other side. He gently pulled the blanket over Khushi and tucked her properly in it.

Caressing her hair, he brought out his phone and swiped the screen when all of a sudden Khushi threw the blanket away.

Arnav stilled for a second and then again pulled the blanket and covered her. But it was short lived as Khushi again threw away the blanket.

A small smile made it's way on his face seeing her stubborn behavior. He knew that she was awake and maybe angry on him for leaving her alone and not sharing his feelings.

Arnav turned over on his side and pulling the blanket on both of them, he hugged Khushi from backside.

His hand held her hand on the pillow while he kept his chin on her shoulder. Some moments passed and then he whispered, Naraaz ho?? (Angry?)

Khushi remained quiet first and then hummed. Hmmm.

Arnav let out a small chuckle seeing her antics.

I am sorry, baby. He nuzzled her neck from behind. All seemed like a dream to him.

Lying so close to Khushi.

Hugging her.

It all felt so intimate.

Ap mjhe chor kr chale gai the. He heard Khushi complaining which brought him back from his thoughts. (you left me alone)

Main kuch der akela rehna chahta tha. I am sorry, I won't leave you ever again. Arnav apologized and promised at the same time. (I just wanted to stay alone for a while)

I was not able to sleep. Khushi tried to turn to his side and Arnav at once helped her.

Pushing back her hairs, she looked in his eyes which were red. What else would be the outcome of constant crying and having a cold shower at 5 in the morning.

Bringing up her hand, she caressed his eyes. Ap roye the?? She asked in a trance. (Did you cry?)

Arnav didn't reply because the moment Khushi turned, he was completely lost in her, gazing at her with so much love, not realizing when she touched his eyes.

He saw her lips moving, but wasn't able to actually hear what she was saying.

Khushi again looked in his eyes and seeing the intense emotions, she felt shy all of a sudden.

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