Chapter 17

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Arnav stood in Khushi's room looking outside the window. His brain deep in thoughts. He was unable to understand how Shyam got to know about their plan!?

Was someone betraying them?? His vein throbbed at the mere thought of getting betrayed by a close person, once again!!

He stood gazing at the stars. He was feeling numb all of a sudden.

Shyam shot Aman, this news was enough to crush him.

He always thought of Aman as his brother, as his family. He was same like Aakash for him.

His pain was making Arnav go mad. He was not there to protect him. This thing was pricking his heart.

He felt like killing someone.

And that someone was Shyam Manohar Jha.

Khushi groaned in her sleep, wanting to turn on side but the pain and stiffness hindering her to do so. Her groan brought back Arnav from his thoughts.

He quickly came near her and made her turn on right side gently. Khushi sighed in her sleep and grabbed Arnav's hand, tightening her hold.

Arnav remained still at this gesture but he felt that more than Khushi, he himself need this. He wanted someone to hold his hand and give him strength.

Strength to protect his family!!!

Strength to find the culprit!!!

Strength to remain strong!!!

So he snuggled behind Khushi such that her back was plastered with his chest and his arms were holding her.

Khushi slightly caressed his hand, as in deep sleep. Eventually Arnav too dozed off, tired of all the happenings.

Little did he know that Khushi was wide awake all the time. She was pretending to sleep but she was not able to see Arnav's state.

And she doesn't want to openly pacify him because she knew that he will hide his pain just for her happiness.

So she cleverly acted like sleeping and having difficulty in turning, just to bring Arnav close.

When she heard his slow breath on her neck, she turned cautiously in his arms, facing him.

Lightly caressing his eyes, cheeks, her finger brushed his lips making her still. She traced his lower lip with her thumb. He had light stubble around his lips.

I am with you, Arnavji. She whispered and gaining courage, she leaned and placed a kiss on the corner of his lips.

I know, Khushi. Arnav said with a smile, making her eyes widened.

He was awake.

I kissed him when he was awake??

Yes, you did!! Arnav smirked at the blush which adorned hee cheeks.

What did you think?? Only you can act?? Khushi smiled sheepishly. But I have a problem Khushi!! Arnav whispered.

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