Chapter 13

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Aman signalled his brother who came behind Arnav. Sir. He stated.

Arnav turned around to see a young man with well-built body. With a little stubble and sunglasses, he was looking like a strong and dedicated person.

With a little nod, he said, Hmm, so you are Vivek? looking at Aman he continued, Did you tell him that at this moment I can't afford any mistake? It's about Khushi's life, and I don't want any risk for her.

Aman nodded, Don't worry ASR, Vivek will give his all strength to provide you, Khushi bhabi and Anjali mam, the best protection. Trust me.

I trust you, Aman. But now I have to be extra careful for my family. Arnav stated, putting his glasses on his face, See you soon, Aman. Stay in touch and keep me updated about Shyam.

Okay ASR. Take care and stay safe. Bye.

Giving a nod, Arnav turned towards Vivek, come, let's go.

Yes sir.

Both made their way towards the car, in which Anjali and Khushi were sitting.

Go and check that the chopper is ready. And put our luggage in it. He said to Vivek, a little away from his car.

Okay sir. With that, Vivek went to the heli while Arnav came closer to the car.

Di, he called, startling Anjali who was closing her eyes, resting.

Cho - Arnav. You scared me. She said, keeping a hand on her heart.

Seeing her clutching her heart, Arnav panicked. Di, are you okay? Should I call the doctor? I am so sorry, di. I - what to do?

Anjali was looking at Arnav in amazement.

Hey, Arnav, calm down. I was just startled, that's all. There is nothing to worry. I am fine. She said, cupping his face.

Oh di, he sighed. I was scared. With that he engulfed her in a hug. I can't let anything happen to both of you know. I am scared di. I am scared.

Knowing that he have a bitter enemy who is hell bent to hurt Khushi and Anjali, Arnav was feeling more and more insecured now.

He knew that he have to be strong to protect his wife and sister, but still he was a human. He also had his own feelings, his own fears.

And the thing that the mighty ASR feared the most was losing his Wife and Sister.

No, he can't let that happen.

Not in a million year.

Not in another life.

Not now, not ever.

But still he wanted someone to give him the much needed strength. And he got it too, from his sister.

How, you may ask!

He got it when she slowly put her hands behind him, caressing his back with one hand while the other was busy in patting his head.

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