Chapter 12

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Arnav came outside the room and made his way to the reception. He completed all the formalities regarding discharge of Khushi and Anjali.

His phone started ringing and this time he picked it up. Yes, Aman. Everything ready?

Yes, ASR. I called to inform you about the same. When will you reach the helipad?

An hour more, I think. We are just going to start our journey. Will see you there, soon. Bye.

Okay. ASR. I have reached, till then I will recheck the arrangements. Bye.

With that Arnav cut the call and came back in the room. Armaan was checking Khushi and Anjali was standing near her.

How is Khushi now? Arnav asked fear griping his heart.

She is fine and recovering at a good speed. But still the things I told you must be taken care of. No stress, no physical activity and strictly bed rest. For at least one week. Okay Mrs. Raizada? In the end, Armaan shifted his gaze at Khushi after assuring Arnav. Khushi nodded her head.

Thank you so much, Armaan. Your support means alot to me. Now we will take your leave. Once again, thanks for everything.

No need to thanks me, Arnav. It's my duty. And yeah, do keep me updated about her. Stay in touch. Take care, bye.

Sure, I will. Bye. With that, Arnav shared a brotherly hug with Armaan and then he left the room. When he turned, he saw the most amazing sight.

Khushi and Anjali were both gaping at him. There mouths were open. Eyes were about to fell out of their sockets. Arnav chuckled at this.

What happened? He asked innocently.

As if you don't know. Anjali scorned.  Chotte, you have changed. This is not the Arnav I know. You are so calm and polite instead of hyper and arrogant. Who brought this change in you?

Someone really special to me. Arnav replied while gazing at Khushi, whose cheeks became crimson red just because of his gaze.

Control yourself, Khushi. You are supposed to be angry at him. Not falling for his antics. Get. A. Grip.
Khushi scolded herself.

Composing herself, she looked away from Arnav. Anjali noticed them.

Ahm Ahm. She cleared her throat bringing Arnav back from his La la land. He smiled. You guys ready? We are leaving in 10 minutes.

And true to his words, they were ready in time. Anjali was standing outside the room and was about to call the nurse for wheelchair as Khushi was still not allowed to walk. Before she could do so, Arnav stopped her.

Don't Di. I wil handle her. You wait here. I will bring her.

Anjali nodded, understanding. Even though she was still angry with him, but she promised herself to never come between them. They already faced so many problems. She didn't want to be one of them.

He went inside and came near Khushi. She looked at him, confused as to what he was going to do.

Without giving any chance to her, he  bend a little and lifted her like a doll, careful to not hurt her. Khushi was shocked, What are you doing? I can go by wheelchair. Leave me.

She struggled in his hold. Arnav shooked his head. Not in a million years. I will never let you sit on that. As long as I am alive, you will not sit on that. Yes, if I die -

Khushi quickly put her hand on his mouth, stopping him to say any further. Arnav looked at her, shocked and pleased by her gesture.

She realized the blunder she made and quickly removed her hand. Arnav smirked. How much you deny, Khushi, but you can't see me like this. You can change your behavior but you will remain the same Khushi from heart. My Khushi. Don't worry, I will win you back soon. Really soon.

Thinking, he kissed her temple making Khushi tighten her hold on his collar. But at the same time, she continued with her struggle.

Suppressing his chuckle he said, Hawa main swimming krna band karo, and came outside with Khushi in her arms. Anjali was waiting there. Let's go, di. Arnav said. (Stop swimming in air.)

Anjali smiled at the couple. And they made their way to the car.

The journey was a silent one. Khushi dozed off being tired and Anjali was not responding to Arnav. Finally they reached the helipad, after an hour or so.

Aman met them. Everything ready at Mumbai? Arnav was back in ASR mode. Aman nodded his head and then gestured him to a side.

Understanding, Arnav said, Di, you wait here with Khushi. Give me a minute, I will come back. Okay?

Anjali nodded and sat in the car. Khushi was still asleep, she gently caressed her face.

Aman and Arnav made their way to a corner, from where Arnav can easily keep an eye on the car. He knew that Shyam was capable of doing anything and he didn't want to take any risk.

Yes, Aman. What do you want to say? He asked, his eyes still fixed on the car.

Actually ASR. I gathered some information about Shyam.

Arnav let his eyes shift from the car to look at Aman. One look at his face and he knew that something was wrong. Hell wrong. Within a second, he again looked at car, feeling scared all of a sudden.

Seeing him not respond, Aman continued, He is much more dangerous than you know ASR. I hired some people to follow him and also one of my agents got in their gang. As a goon, of course. He told me that Shyam has given task to different teams. First task is to locate Khushi bhabhi. Since you didn't inform anyone on phone about your whereabouts, they fail to track her. But they are still searching her. I must say, you have to be extra careful now.

Arnav's face lost all his colour. It seemed that even his breathings stopped. Seeing his condition, Aman gently held his shoulders.

Look, ASR. You will have to be strong. This is not the time to be scared. Use your ASR mind, and think of a plan dammit. Before it's too late. As I can't come with you because I need to keep an eye on Shyam, I asked my brother Vivek to accompany you. And believe me, he is trustworthy person. You will not be disappointed by him, I assure you.

Aman signaled someone and he came behind Arnav, while he was still lost in his thoughts.



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