Chapter 7

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Khushi was sleeping peacefully. It was noon now but she was still under the effect of medicine. Arnav was restless but Armaan assured him that the longer she sleeps, the more better she will feel.

He was sitting beside her, constantly gazing at her face when her hairs blocked his view. He gently removed tendrils of her hair, caressing her cheeks lightly. A lump of tears formed in his thorat, seeing Khushi like this.

Just then, his phone rang. He quickly went outside so that Khushi don't get disturbed due to ringing. He looked at the phone where 'Di' was flashing. Composing himself, he picked it.

Hello. Arnav answered the phone.

Hello. Chotte, where are you? He heard scared voice of Anjali.

I am here only, Di. Why? Anything happened? You and baby are alright.? Di, tell me, he asked with batted breath, fearing for the worst.

Chotte, can you please come home? She literally pleaded to him.

Di, what happened? You are scaring me now. Arnav panicked.

Chotte, I want to tell you something important. Please come home as soon as possible, please chotte. Please. I need you. Anjali's voice broke due to her sudden crying.

Feeling really scared, Arnav rushed towards Armaan's cabin not before saying, I am coming, Di. Don't worry.

Arnav rushed inside without even knocking. Thankfully, Armaan was free.

Armaan, I really need to go to home but I am scared for Khushi. I can't leave her like this. What if she tried to do anything to harm herself? There Di needs me, and here Khushi. What I am supposed to do?

He said in one go, without taking any pause and fell on the seat opposite to Armaan, grabbing his hair in fists.

Armaan quickly came beside him and said, Calm down, Arnav, take a deep breath. If it's really urgent for you to meet your Di, I will stay here till you return. Khushi is my patient. Don't worry at all. You go home.

Arnav was more than relieved hearing this. Thank you, thank you so much. I will try to return as soon as possible.

With that he rushed towards Khushi's room. Entering the room, he saw Khushi awake, and lost in some thoughts.

He went near her and called her, Khushi, how are you now?

Alive, came abrupt reply from Khushi.

Arnav gulped his tears hearing this and clearing his throat said, Khushi, Di just called me. She was sounding really scared. I don't know what happened at Shantivan, but whatever the reason, she is really panicked. You know na it is not good for her and the baby. Can I go and meet her? Please.

Khushi was confused seeing Arnav like this. All her anger flew away, Why is he asking me to meet di? She is his di, why he needs my permission to meet her?

And di, why is she scared? What could have happen? Wait, wait, did Shyam? Did he do something? Oh no.

Arnav saw many emotions pass on Khushi's face. Most evident being; Confusion. Shock. Fear.

He swiftly sat beside her and cupped her face, Khushi, don't panick. Everything will be alright. Don't stress yourself. If you don't want, I won't -

He was cut off by Khushi, Are you mad? You are asking my permission to go to Di when you know that she is scared. God knows what happened there, and you are standing here consoling me. Unbelievable. Go to her. She needs you. Go. I am fine. Go.

Arnav saw his old, caring, and loving Khushi's shadow in Khushi. He was feeling more and more guilty.

Khushi was again confused seeing Arnav still sitting there, staring at her face, lost in some thoughts. His eyes showed many emotions. Guilt? and Dare she say.... Love?

No, Khushi. You can't forgive him so easily. Don't forget what he did to you. Don't fall in his trap again. Her mind shushed her heart.

Thinking this, Khushi waved her hand in front of his eyes and said, Where are you lost? What are you waiting for? Go to her. Di needs you.

Hearing this, Arnav came back to his senses. He looked towards Khushi, seeing her concerned filled eyes, his heart again rebuked him. Composing himself, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Khushi closed her eyes relishing the moment, then she heard Arnav whisper, I will come back soon. Be safe. Take care. He lightly kissed her cheeks, making her blush.

Before Khushi could compose herself, Arnav went outside. Leaving her alone.

Khushi controlled her dhaks-dhaks and fast breathing which were the after effects of the proximity she just shared with him.

She was confused by her feelings. She wanted to hate Arnav, but her body, especially her heart, always betray her. From the time she regained consciousness, she saw that Arnav never left her, not even for a second.

Many times, she was only pretending to be asleep, and that's when she would feel him taking care of her. Giving her blanket properly, adjusting her pillow, dimming the light, maintaining the temperature of room. He also massaged her feet, arms and head, and Khushi had to admit, that she felt heavenly.

Thinking about Arnav, she couldn't understand that why he returned to her, after he left her on the building? What happened that made him come back? And did he believe her that she is not the guilty-one?

Speaking about families, why was di scared? Was she alright? What happened at Shantivan? Was everyone fine? Did Shyam again do something? Oh God, there were so many questions, she wanted to ask Arnav, but didn't got the chance.

A knock on the door, brought her out of her thoughts. Dr. Armaan came inside, and closed the door. He came near her bed and said, Hello, Khushi. I am Dr. Armaan. How are you feeling now?

Khushi smiled a little and said, I am fine now. Thank you.

Any pain or stiffness? He asked.

There is no stiffness, but I am feeling slight pain in my back. Khushi explained.

That's alright. There will be. It will take some time to heal. I have already given you painkillers. So it will subside in some time. Any pain in head? He assured her.

No. Just a little heaviness. Khushi smiled softly.

Okay, I will prescribe medicine for that, as well. Armaan got out her file and wrote something on it. After checking her blood pressure and heart rate, he said, I will take your leave now. I have to take round on other patients.

But if you need anything, just ask sister, she will inform me. Actually, Arnav had to leave urgently, so requested me to be with you. So, take care. Bye. Khushi was shocked would be an understatement.


That should be the headline of today's news.

If only she understand, that Arnav was really guilty and was ready to do anything for her. Even if it includes, going away from her, for her khushi... (happiness)



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