Chapter 11

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Suddenly a pair of arms engulfed Arnav, he looked up and saw his mother, Ratna, standing opposite to him.

Ma, with a cry he hugged her with all his might. He was sobbing hugging her while Ratna gently caressed his back and stroked his hairs lovingly.

Sssshhhh chotte. Aise nai rotte, ap tu hamare bahadur bete ho na? Phir aisa kyn kar rhe ho? (Don't cry like this. You are my strong son, right? Then why are you doing this?)

Ma, I am not strong. Not at all. I am bad, really bad. Just because of me, your daughter and daughter-in-law are in this condition. Why I am like this, ma. Why? Arnav cried his heart out.

No chotte, you are not bad. You are just confused. Confused between hate and love, cruelty and innocence, truth and lie. Ratna softly began to tell him. Arnav was listening to her like a small baby.

You know chotte, even in your childhood, you used to mix emotions. But now, you need to understand them. It's the only way by which you can get your Di and your Khushi back. It's totally upto you now.

Nodding his head, Arnav asked with a determination. What should I do to woo my ladies back, Ma?

Ratna smiled a little at his eagerness, then said, First of all you will have to let go of your anger, chotte. Trust me. It's the root-cause of all the problems. You are unable to think rationally whenever you are angry.

He nodded, his head hung low in guilt. Ratna chuckled at his antics and lifted his chin, making him look in her eyes.

This is not the time to mourn over what's already done. Rather, you should now rectify your mistakes. And for that you have to change yourself, chotte.

Arnav looked confused so Ratna explained, See, you always hurt your loved ones in your anger. I know that you have to be ruthless to live in this cruel world, but you should understand this too that not everything is fake in this world. There is love too. Pure love. The love which your Di do to you. The love which you do to Khushi. The love which I do to all three of you. Do you think that all these are fake?

Arnav was keenly listening to all this. He knew that he love all of them, and they all love him. And that's not fake. Never.

He shooked his head.

That's right. The other thing that you should do is to keep your business attitude, or THE ASR attitude to be precise, separate from Arnav, or the Loveable Chotte, precisely. One should be able to read the face of others. That makes a lot of difference. I am not saying that there are no fake people out there. I admit that there are. What I am actually trying to say is don't hurt pure and innocent people just bacause of evil world.

Arnav again nodded his head. Trying to grasp each and every word of his Ma, his strength. He knew she was telling all true.

Seeing him understanding, Ratna sighed. Chotte, Anjali and Khushi, both love you alot. They won't stay angry with you for long. But you should woo them back. Forget you are any ASR or youngest business tycoon, just remember that your sister and your wife need you now. You must help them get out of this situation. For this you have to be strong. If you broke down then who will give them strength? Huh?

This advice really stirred Arnav. Ma is right. Absolutely right. If changing myself will bring me my love and Di back, I will change. Definitely. And Ma is right about emotions, too. I should learn to differentiate between them. I already made many mistakes by confusing in them.

Ratna gently cupped his face, bringing him back from his thoughts and kissed him on forehead. I will always be there for you, chotte. Keeping a check on you from above. Bring back my happy Anjali and chirpy Khushi bitiya. Win them back. My prayers are with you. Forever.

Still saying, Ratna's figure slowly faded and Arnav tried to hold her hand. Don't go, Ma, Ma.

Chotte, chotte, open your eyes. Anjali was patting his face, but he was not reacting to it.

Ma, don't go. Stay with me, please. I need you. Ma. He was feeling like the fourteen year boy again.

Open your eyes. I am here, chotte. Please open your eyes.

With great difficulty, Arnav managed to open his eyes, but closed them again due to the intensity of light. After a while, he tried to open them again and blinked several times in order to get used to it.

Only then he was able to register to his surroundings. He was sitting on the chair, between the two beds. Khushi was now in a sitting position on the bed, looking worriedly at Arnav. And Anjali was standing near him, wiping sweat beads from his forehead.

You okay now? Anjali asked him, anxiously.

Arnav cleared his throat and said softly, Yes I am fine now. Anjali wanted to ask him about his dream but thought not to remind him for now.

What happened? Arnav asked her.

Ummm, actually we woke half an hour ago and saw you sleeping on the chair. You didn't slept even for a second since two days so it was meant to happen. We were talking in low voice when you started being restless and called for Ma. That's why I woke you up. What happened chotte?

Arnav realized that all that was his dream. His mother came to him in his dream. His mother encouraged him in his dream. She gave him strength in his dream. It was all in his dream.

A much needed dream, though. He admitted to himself.

Just then his phone rang. He pulled it out and saw AMAN flashing on it.

He cut the call and said, Di. I am going to talk to doctor regarding discharge for Khushi and you. Till then, you both stay here and get ready to fly to Mumbai in the next hour. No excuses.

Saying this, he marched out of the room, leaving a shocked Khushi and equally shocked Anjali behind.

Sorry Khushi. I had to order you because I know that if I have asked you, you would have denied. And I can't let go of you. Not now. Not ever. You are mine. Period. And during our stay at Mumbai, I will definitely woo you back. Thinking, Arnav went towards the reception.



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