Chapter 23 (Maha Update)

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Arnav entered the cottage after checking arrangements by the sea. Vivek did his work well. The beach looked beautiful and would look serene in the evening with all the fairy lights.

Still, Arnav was feeling that he is going to lose his everything. This feeling was killing him with every passing second, and he was unable to do anything about it.

Absent minded, he opened the door to his room and stood stupified at the sight in front of him.

Khushi was standing before the mirror. Her hair damped from the shower. She was busy in drying it with towel, oblivious to her surroundings.

Her milky white back was visible to Arnav as she had all her hairs on her shoulder. Arnav took a sharp intake of breath. His hold tightened on the knob.

Feeling someone's stare, Khushi turned and stood still seeing Arnav standing there, lost in her. Butterflies somersaulted in her stomach, sending tingles along her spine. She felt heat rising to her cheeks.

The towel slipped from her hand and pooled near her feet. Shyly, she pushed back her hairs from her face and tucked them behind her ear.

Arnav composed his racing heart beats and gulped his emotions. He came near her, taking slow and measuring steps. When he stood just in front of her, he brought forward his hand and gently caressed her blush adorned cheeks with his knuckles.

Moving his fingers a little south, still caressing her cheeks, Arnav reached her swan-like neck which was covered with her hairs.

Gently grabbing them, he pushed all of her hairs towards her back, giving himself treat of looking at her creamy neck.

Dhayan rakha karo. Arnav whispered near her ear as he leaned towards her neck. Khushi took a sharp intake of breath when his warm breath tickled her soft spot. (Take care of yourself)

Arnav hugged her close to himself, burying his head in the crook of her neck.

Bharosa haina mjh per? He asked while tightening his hold on her back. (you do trust me, right?)

Khushi was confused at his behavior. Nonetheless, she brought her hands at his back and hugged him. Khud se zada. She claimed. (More than myself)

Khushi. Arnav breathed out with difficulty. Mein... Wo... He stuttered not being able to say anything.

Kya baat hai Arnavji? Khushi tried to lean back and look at him, but his hold refrained her. (What happened Arnavji?)

Khushi mjhe maaf ker dena. Finally he whispered, making Khushi go stiff. (Khushi, do forgive me)

Bus aik baat hamesha yaad rkhna k mein tumse bht pyaar karta hun Khushi. Is duniya mein sb se zada. Arnav confessed and before Khushi could say anything, he left her abruptly and came out of the room. (Just remember one thing, that I love you so much, Khushi. More than anything else in this world)

Closing the door, he leaned on it. Please be safe Khushi. I won't be able to live without you. Please. He closed his eyes, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

But as it is said; "the world is not a wish granting factory"




Khushi was still standing there as Arnav left her. She was unable to understand Arnav's behavior at all.

Why I am feeling that Arnavji is hiding something from me?? She couldn't help but think.

Please DM, let him be safe. She prayed silently as she watched Arnav go out of the cottage from her window.

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