Chapter 20

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Sun rays distubed Khushi's sleep and she squirmed in her place. Her brows scrunched due to light and she brought her hands in front of her eyes, trying to block the light.

Blinking repeatedly, she gradually opened her eyes and observed her surroundings. Everything was silent around her.

She looked to her right, in hope to see Arnav but was disappointed on seeing him not beside her. She let out a sigh and lifted her head in search of him.

And there he was. Sitting on chair, in front of the bed. Khushi looked at him in surprise and then felt shy all of a sudden as she realized his intense look on her.

Aap aese kya dekh rahe hain?? She whispered unable to bear his sweet torture. (What are you seeing like that?)

Tumhe. Arnav replied in a trance which brightened the red hue on her cheeks. (You)

Seeing her shying like a new bride, Arnav stood up from his place and came towards her, taking slow steps, increasing heartbeats of both.

Good morning, jaan. He whispered leaning on her. His advancement made Khushi lie down back on the pillow. Unknowingly, her hand clutched the lapels of his shirt.

Arnav balanced his weight on his arms and nuzzled her cheek with his nose, making Khushi sigh in contentment.

Arr...nav...ji. Her eyes closed, losing her heart in the moment.

Arnav placed a promising kiss on her forehead. Come, let's get you ready for the day!! He said and then helped her get up in sitting position.

Khushi was still in a dazed situation after the sweet encounter. When she didn't make any attempt to stand, Arnav chuckled and lifted her in his arms.

Entering the bathroom, he made her stand on the floor. Khushi was still gazing at him, lost in her own thoughts.

Ahm Ahm, Arnav cleared his thought which brought her back. Seeing him so close, Khushi jerked a little and in the process, she slipped on the floor.

Arnav caught her in his arms. Their eyes locked with one another, refusing to move anywhere else.

Arnav and Khushi stayed there, gazing at each other lovingly. Arnav's eyes shifted from her eyes to her tempting lips. Khushi saw shift of his eyes and her own eyes stopped on his lips.

It all felt like a dream to them.

Sleeping with their partner.
Waking up and seeing your partner.
Having a romantic encounter.
And now,
Being in the arms of your loved one.

It was all too intimate for them.

It was Arnav who came back to his senses first. Smiling, he made Khushi stand up. I'm waiting outside. Call me when you are done. He leaned and kissed her on the cheek.

And with that, he left the bathroom, closing door behind him. It took a minute for Khushi to come back from her lala land. Blushing, she looked in the mirror, her hand slowly caressing the cheek where Arnav kissed her seconds ago.

Biting her lips, she turned and opened shower and carefully took a bath not wetting her bandage.

After finishing, she grabbed a towel and then it struck her.

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