Chapter 25

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Arnav got up frantically and reached for his phone in pant pocket. Fishing it out, he quickly dialed a number and waited for the call to connect.

After five to six rings, when Arnav was close to a breakdown, the call was picked up from the other side.

Hello?? He clutched the phone tightly in his hands as tears fell down freely.

Hello Aman? He called again but it was silence on the other side.

Say something dammit. He shouted, wiping the irritating tears.

I am sorry ASR. A man spoke from the other side. Aman sir has not gain consciousness yet. The phone slipped from his hands as he looked around helplessly to find any clue, any sign, any support.

Vivek? He thought as he marched towards the house. What was Vivek doing when all that happened?? His anger reached its top.

Reaching the house, he pushed open the door and saw Anjali standing there with a smile on her face. She was caressing her baby bump, softly talking to her baby.

On the sound of door opening, she looked back and frowned on seeing Arnav standing there alone.

Where is Khushiji? She asked hoping her to be behind him.

Di. Arnav gulped hard as he took steps towards her.

Di, Anjali cupped his face. Kya hua hai chotte? Her voice trembled. Btao apni Di ko. She urged him. (What happened chotte? Tell your Di)

Di. Khushi ko le gaye. He placed his head on her shoulder. Wo meri Khushi ko le gaye Di. He hugged her, crying. (Di. They took Khushi. They took my Khushi Di)

Shyam? She asked in a hush voice, although she knew the answer.

A tear rolled down her eye, as the information sunk in. Arnav. She pushed him back and looked directly in his eyes.

This is not the time to cry and fall weak, Arnav. You are Arnav Singh Raizada. Take action and save your Khushi. She caressed his forehead.

Go, chotte. Go and find her. She pushed him slightly towards the door, all the while gulping her own tears.

I will Di. Arnav wiped his tears and with a new found strength, he opened the door, only to get shocked by seeing the person standing before.

YOU? He exclaimed.




Did she eat anything? Shyam asked Vivek as he stood at the window.

No, boss. She is not listening. I have tried to make her eat but no result. Vivek shook his head.

Hmmm. Shyam thought focusing on a point far away.

Vivek, call Adi. Maybe he will knock some sense in her. Shyam ordered, smoking cigarette.

Okay boss. He turned and went outside the room. The smirk never leaving his lips.

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