Chapter 5

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Operation Theater

Khushi was taking sharp, unsteady breaths. Doctor immediately instructed the nurse to inject medicine in her body. But her condition was not getting any better. Sister, her sugar level is dropping, start a drip of glucose, and increase the supply of Oxygen. The nurses immediately took action.

After a while, Khushi calmed down and her breathing rate too became normal.

Dr. Armaan was relieved, he took his time in examining her once again and came to a conclusion. Instructing the staff to shift Khushi to ICU, he made his way outside the OT.




Outside the OT

Arnav was pacing the length of the corridor. He was really really worried after seeing the condition of Khushi. He was controlling himself not to just kill himself. Only because of him, Khushi was suffering so much.

His glance fell on a prayer area, at the far end of the corridor, which he failed to notice before, and made his way towards it. He knelt before the idol, brought his hands together and pleaded to him,

God, I never believed in you, nor respected you ever. I thought that I am able to write my own destiny. But if that would have been the case, then I would not have been here, kneeling before you. He chuckled.

My Khushi believes in you na, then please God, cure her. She is so fragile, pure and innocent. Don't give her punishment for the sins I did. She do not deserve this. He pleaded.

I am so cruel. It is all because of me that she is in such condition but please save her. Give me any punishment but don't take her away. I need her. Please God, I am asking something from you for the first time, just give her to me, I won't ask for anything else. Just, don't let anything happen to her. Be with her, God, be with my Khushi. He kept crying keeping his head on his folded hands.

Just then, the door of OT opened and Dr. Armaan came outside. Arnav rushed towards him, unable to say anything. Dr answered his unasked question which was written clearly on his teary face.

Congratulations, Mr. Raizada. Your wife is out of danger now. Your love and prayers for her surely got her back. She responded to your words in the positive way. She is alright now. He assured.

But we will keep her under-observation for tonight, and tomorrow morning we will shift her to the room, only then you will be able to meet her. And I must add that we will keep her here for atleast 3-4 days as her head injury is still not cured fully. And yeah, I will discuss her condition with you after the reports come of her lower body. Till then, just pray for her speedy recovery. The doctor told him like a professional.

Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much. Arnav managed to say only these words.

Hearing this, Dr. Armaan patted Arnav's shoulder with a smile and saying Take care, left from there. Arnav was feeling like he won a lost battle and he released his breath not even realizing that he was holding it.

Arnav was relaxed now, his Khushi is okay. She didn't leave him. She is still with him. Although the pain and guilt was still there, yet he can't help feeling happy. He again made his way towards the prayer area and said,

Thank you God for saving my Khushi. Keep your blessings on her always. She is my life, keep her with me always. Arnav aur Khushi, hamesha sath rahen. Please God. Please. He thanked the God.

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