Chapter 14

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The helicopter landed in Mumbai safely. Arnav, Anjali, Khushi and Vivek came out and sat in the car waiting for them.

The journey was a silent one as Anjali and Khushi both dozed off. Arnav was already a silent person, and Vivek just concentrated on the road, and looked around for any suspicious person.

Reaching the house, Arnav woke up both Khushi and Anjali. Vivek helped Anjali to get out while Arnav again lifted Khushi in his arms, not giving in to her struggle.

It was noon and the beach looked breath takingly beautiful. Khushi was lost in the scenery. It was for the first time that she was seeing a beach in real.

All this is so beautiful. The words escaped her mouth. Arnav looked down at her with a smile.

You like it? He asked.

I love it. Came her reply which made his grin wide.

Khushi took a long breath, inhaling the salty scent of ocean. Anjali too was feeling relaxed.

They all came in the house and Anjali and Khushi were lost seeing the beauty and elegancy of the house.

There was a stair case decorated with a 'Bougainvillea' having pink and white flowers. They climbed it and Vivek opened the door for them, as Arnav was carrying Khushi.

They came inside the hall. It was a cozy hall with an open kitchen on one side and a balcony on the other. Beside the balcony, there was another staircase.

Arnav looked at Khushi, do you want to sit here for a while or you want to see the house??

I want to see the house. She said in a slow voice. She was feeling embarrassed of being in Arnav's arms but she knew that he is too stubborn to let her sit on the wheelchair.

You are bounded with him, Khushi.

Smiling, Arnav turned to Anjali, Di what you want to do??

I am a little tired, I think I will sit here for a while and then go upstairs. Anjali said, not wanting to intrude in couple's privacy.

Okay, Di. Vivek, give Di some juice and fruits. Aman must have arranged that too. Go check.

Yes, ASR. Bhai has made all arrangements. Vivek confirmed.

Arnav just nodded, feeling proud of his right hand man, who was really his right hand.

He made his way towards the stairs. Khushi clutched his collar and that brought a smile on his face. But he didn't look at her, instead looked ahead and came up stairs.

When they entered the room, Khushi let out a gasp. Her mouth opened in surprise. Arnav didn't react and carefully placed Khushi on the huge queen sized bed in the center of the room.

Are you comfortable? He asked while putting pillow beneath her head.

Hmmm. Khushi said and looked around in an amazement. The room was so beautiful and not to mention the view from the window was just, breathtaking.

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