Last Chapter (Maha Update Part 2)

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He was about to slap Arnav but a hand made him stop. Arnavji. Khushi said as she saw Vivek raise his hand. Arnav looked on as he saw Akash standing there with rage evident in his eyes.

How dare you?? His low voice filled the room, as everyone held their breath seeing him standing there.

How dare you?? Akash again growled in his voice pulling Vivek away from Arnav. His nerve throbbed as he twisted Vivek's hand.

Arnav sighed with a smile on his face as his brother was there now.

How dare YOU try to slap Arnav Singh Raizada, Akash shouted at Vivek while pushing him away. He stumbled and Shyam balanced him.

Arnav was proud of his younger brother. Akash. He called with emotion etched in his tone.

But his next words swiped the smile from his face. When it is ONLY MY right to slap THE ASR!! Huh?? Akash held Vivek's color, shaking him. The room was in pin drop silence.

Khushi gasped seeing the other face of her ever loving and caring Jeejaji.

Arnav slumped back on the chair, his eyes widened with shock, pain and hurt.

It was Shyam's laugh which broke the silence in the room. He laughed and laughed until tears came out of his eyes.

Akash left Vivek and forwarded his hand which was warmly shaken by Shyam.

You almost scared me with your sudden appearance. I thought you double crossed me. Akash was engulfed in a hug by Shyam.

Akash scoffed, Don't worry, I am still very much at your side. He winked. How could I lose the only chance of getting revenge from this man. He nodded toward Arnav.

Akash. Arnav whispered brokenhearted. Was the person standing before him really his brother??

He didn't recognize him. He didn't know him. He was not his little brother. He was not his Akash.

Akash turned towards Arnav and smirked seeing him all tied up and sitting there helplessly.

How does it feel to sit here like a helpless man? Akash stepped closer to his chair and stared right in his eyes.

Why Akash? Arnav asked with sadness filled voice.

Why? You are asking me WHY? The mask Akash was wearing since long slowly started to come off.

I did all this because I hate you. Akash fisted his palm. Did you hear, I BLODDY HATE YOU. He was infuriated.

Khushi squirmed on her place. The betrayal was so much shocking for her. First Vivek, and now Akash. Why everyone was betraying her Arnavji.

She only wished for all this to be a bad dream and just get up from her sleep. It was just like a nightmare for her.

But, even after all this, she was just sitting there quietly. She was just praying that all this get over quickly.

I hated you from the moment you entered our lives after your good-for-nothing parents attempted suicide. Arnav gritted his jaw hearing him.

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