Chapter 21

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Khushi grabbed Arnav's hand and slowly came downstairs, carefully taking steps.

Arnav tightened his hold on her hand and the other on her waist. Even though she was getting better and was able to walk by her own self, still Arnav didn't want to take a risk and so he accompanied her almost everywhere and especially on stairs.

It was a week since Khushi's visit to the doctor. Arnav at once hired a physiotherapist for her and with her help and Khushi's own willpower, she was able to take a step very soon.

Khushi glanced at Arnav from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes shone as she remembered the day when she took her step. It was overwhelming for both Khushi and Arnav. She cried with joy as she felt her legs supporting her body once again.

As for Arnav, he was unable to form words. With tears running down his cheeks, he stood gaping at Khushi as she took step after step and finally reached him.

She held his arm and shook him, I did it, Arnavji. I finally did it. She had hug him and Arnav too wrapped his arms around her, giving his warmth.

For Arnav, seeing the love of her life coming back to her normal self was like seeing a rainbow after days of storm.

He was elated.

The joy was indescribable.

Khushi came out of her thoughts when she sensed Arnav leaving her hand. Realizing that she reached the bottom, Khushi took steps forward with Arnav right behind, to hold her if she stumbled.

But Khushi successfully managed to reach the dining table. Anjali and Vivek were there waiting for them. On their arrival, the breakfast started.

Breakfast was a peaceful time for all four of them. With a little chit chat, it came to an end.




They were sitting in the living room. Vivek went out to check the security. Anjali was lazily surfing television with Khushi resting her head on her shoulder. This small and unexpected stay brought the two most important girls of Arnav's life, close.

Arnav was busy reading newspaper, when his phone started ringing. Putting the news paper away, he walked away with his phone towards the balcony.

Yes, Akash? He answered the call.

Hello, How are you bhai?? Akash asked from the other side.

We are all fine here. How about you? All set there?? Arnav asked as he glanced at the beach spread before his eyes.

All are fine here. He paused. Bhai, when will all this get over?? Arnav found a hint of frustration in his tone.

I am waiting for that day too, Akash, when we will be together again with nothing to fear. He sighed.

How are Amma, Babuji and Buaji?? They don't have any discomfort there, right?? He questioned.

Akash went down the memory lane. The day when Arnav asked him to shift the Gupta's in Raizada Mansion.

Arnav realized one day that he is there to protect Anjali and Khushi, while Akash is there to look after Nani, Mami, Mama and Payal. All at once, Buaji, Amma and Bauji felt exposed for Arnav. Babuji was on wheel chair and so unable to do anything. If Shyam wanted, he could harm them in order to get to Khushi.

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