Chapter 10

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Khushi sighed and looked at Anjali. She was about to say something but just then Anjali shrieked in pain.

Aaaahhhhhh. Panicked, Khushi and Arnav held her while she was just crying, clutching her stomach. Arnavji. Go and call doctor. I am here with Di. Go.

Listening to this, Arnav rushed out of the room. Di. Breath. Nothing happened. Everything is fine. Breath. Khushi slowly caressed Anjali's stomach and back.

Arnav came along with the doctor. Seeing Anjali's condition, doctor immediately took her to another room for examination, while telling Arnav and Khushi to stay there.

Arnav was pacing the length of the room. Khushi was anxious too. She tried to stand up but winced in pain and was about to trip over.


CAREFUL DAMMIT. Came the immediate response of Arnav while he held her possessively in his arms. What are you doing? Don't you know that you are not supposed to stand in this condition? You should take rest. Why don't you understand?

Khushi was lost in his eyes that held so much concern, for her. She can't deny that she was touched with his care but at the same time she can't deny that she was in this place, only because of him.

So composing herself, she pushed Arnav a little and sat back again. Arnav saw many emotions pass her face, but the PAIN was most evident.

When Khushi pushed Arnav, she saw pain in his eyes. But ignoring it, she laid back and stared at the door, waiting for the doctor.

After half an hour, which seemed like eternity, doctor came inside and looked at eager face of Arnav and Khushi.

How is Di, doctor? Arnav was unable to say anything so Khushi asked the doctor.

She is fine now, Mrs Raizada. And don't worry, there is nothing to be afraid of. These cramps are normal in pregnancy. At this time, the baby moves a little so it is not a complication. But from now on, Miss Raizada should rest alot. And keep her away from any physical or emotional stress. As it won't be good for the mother and the baby. She is sleeping now. We will shift her here so Mr. Raizada don't have a problem. Is it okay?

Yes doctor. Bring Di here. Khushi again answered doctor. Arnav was not responding at all. He just stood there, staring at nothing in particular.

Khushi was about to ask him about his attitude, but then chose not to. Both were silent, both were stealing glances at eachother, both were yearning to embrace oneother, but both were refraining from doing so.

But despite all these things, the atmosphere was not awkward at all. Infact the silence was welcoming, feeling just like a silent support from and for eachother.

After some time, Anjali was shifted in the same room as Khushi. She was still sleeping due to the effect of medicines. Arnav sat between Khushi and Anjali.

Now relaxed that Anjali is safe, Khushi too drifted off to sleep, because of tiredness.

Arnav received a call, he moved outside to attend it. After some time, he returned and sat in front of his Di and Khushi.

Both were sleeping peacefully but Arnav was awake the whole time. Sometimes, looking at Khushi and sometimes at Anjali. Both of his most important ladies of life, were lying in the hospital, just because of him.

He was cursing himself again and again.

Why was I not able to protect my Di and Khushi? Why didn't I do a background check on Shyam before marrying my Di to him?
Why did I believe what Shyam said? Why didn't I confronted Khushi before marrying her forcefully?

Why did I accuse Khushi leading to her suicide? Why was I not able to protect my rajkumari? Why everyone is suffering because of me?

Arnav held his head and leaned forward on his chair, keeping his elbows on knees. Muttering,

I am really bad. I was not able to protect anyone. First Ma died in front of me, and now Khushi and Di are in pain.

Why I let my anger over rule me each time? And it always hurt the people I love the most. Why I am like this? Why?

For the first time ever, Arnav Singh Raizada wanted to change himself.

He wanted to control his anger.

He wanted to become a loving person.

He wanted to enjoy being loved.

For the first time ever, Arnav Singh Raizada actually wanted to live his life.

He didn't acknowledge, but he was sobbing by then. All his pain, his anger, his worry, his concern was flowing in the form of tears.

Suddenly, a pair of arms engulfed him in embrace. He looked upward and saw.



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