Chapter 4 - The Car Ride

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Zayn grabs his car keys and says "I'll drive you" as he smiles. I smile back at him, He's a good guy. He's had a really tough and painful past. When he was 8 his twin brother went missing and was never found, he never really got over that. His mom had depression problems after that and quit her job. His dad got another job to support the family and he was never home. His older brother committed suicide and Zayn was the one that found him with the gun. Zayn never really had it easy, he has a shit load of issues that started when he was 8. The people he hung out with when he was younger were horrible. They were way older and had a really bad influence on him. When he was 12 he got into drugs and he started dealing drugs when he was 13. but when he was 15 he met Taylor and he gave it all up for her. Zayn must really love her because she has changed him so much.

We're standing outside of Zayn's car, he unlocks it and opens my door for me. I'm about to get in but then I lean in and hug him. He hugs me back tightly, he's like a brother to me. I get in and shut the door while Zayn gets in on his side. I pull out my phone and look at the time, it's 4:07. Zayn starts up the car and starts to back out of the drive way. When we're out of the drive way he looks over at me and asks"how are things going?"
I sigh, "not so well, schools getting harder and I'm so stressed out. I started cutting again and sometimes i get suicidal, I feel like I have no where to turn." I'm kinda surprised I just straight up told Zayn but I'm under a lot of stress and need someone who I can talk to about my problems. I can tell Zayn almost everything, he's my support.

He looks over at me and replies "Rue, I love you, we all love you and you're one of the strongest people I know. I know you can get through this and you will come out stronger than ever. I'm always here to talk, you can text me, phone me, whatever. I don't care what time it is or what it's about I'm here for you."

I smile at what Zayn says "thanks, you're one of the best things that has happened to me." He's the older brother I never had and I'm happy that now I finally have him.
He smiles "I'm always here and I want you to remember that, don't make the same mistakes that I did. Do you want me to come in and help you carry your bags?"
"Yes please"

We both get out of the car and start walking up the drive way. When we get to the door and I pull out my duck dynasty key chain. I put the key in the door and I open the door. We walk inside and my bag is just sitting in the hallway.
Zayn picks it up and says "is this it?"
I reply "ya, thanks. I'll be right back, I'm going to go get my sweater." I run upstairs to my room.

When I get to my room I close the door and on the back of my door there is a hook where I keep my sweaters. I grab 3 and run out of my room and downstairs. I run to the fridge and grab a water bottle then I turn to the counter and grab my wallet off it. I walk outside, close the door and lock it. I shove my key in my front pocket and my wallet in my back pocket. I walk down the drive way towards the car, open the door and get in. I buckle my seat belt as Zayn is starting up the car. Zayn starts to drive away from my house and towards his.

Hello beautiful people,
I hope you're enjoying this and I'm having a blast making it (not really because I don't like editing, But I love writing.)
I'm here for you guys and I love all of you. You're the best. 😘
Thank you for reading XOXO

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