Chapter 19 - Chris

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Matthew lets me go and I turn away to wipe away my tears. Matthew grabs my hand and holds it softly "I'm sorry, did I do anything wrong? Why are you crying?"
I can't believe he's apologizing "You shouldnt be sorry, you did nothing."

I missed Chris more than ever right now. Chris was my best friend a few years ago and was the only person I really talked too. I loved him so much and I miss him so much. On June 27th 2012 Chris went missing on his way home from school. Chris was found him June 29th and he was stabbed 7 times. When they found him he was almost dead and was rushed to the hospital. I wanted to go and visit him but I was camping at the time and couldn't go. I had no was to get a ride to visit him and it broke my heart. On June 30th Tony told me that he could drive me and I was so happy I finally found a ride. I was worried, very worried. I was worried that Chris wasn't going to be alright or that Chris wouldn't want to see me. Maybe he hates me because I didn't visit him the day they found him. But Chris loved me and he'll be happy to see me, right? I phoned his mom and his mom gave Chris the phone. I told Chris that Tony was going to drive me down to the hospital. It was 2:57 pm and I just told him I loved him back. The last thing he told me was he loved me and that was the last thing he ever said to me. I'm the background I heard a faded beep and that's when I knew he was gone. I started crying and I collapsed to the ground. This couldn't be happening to me, I was just talking to him and I love him. He means everything to me and he loved me. I just laid on the ground and cried. I didn't want to get up and I felt like I had the whole world on my shoulders. I felt like I could physically get up by myself. My phone was still on my ear and Chris brother started talking. I heard him sobbing into the phone "um, Chris was in a lot of um pain, now he's not in pain anymore. Now Chris is in heaven" as soon as I heard him say this I started to ball my eyes out and I wanted to die. Chris shouldn't have died, he wasn't allowed to die. I could answer to that and just hung up the phone. Tony walked over to me and picked me up off the ground. He pulled me in close and asked "backseat or front seat?"
I answered "front" Tony opens the door with one hand an than places me in the front seat and than shuts the door. Tony got in and started up the car while putting on his seat belt. I buckled up my seat belt while Tony started to drive out of the camp site. I closed my eyes and continued to cry. I wanted to tell Tony that things were off and that Chris died. I tired to say it but I couldn't bring myself to say that Chris died and when I tried to say it I started to cry even more. Time went by quicker than I thought and I heard Tony open up his door and get out of the car. When I opened up my eyes Tony was opening up my door, we were at a Tim Hortons. I get out of the car and wipe the tears off my face. I go inside with him and he orders an large icecap, a large double double, and 2 cheese bagels. When we get the stuff he walks over to a table and tells me to sit down next to him. He looks at me "I'm guessing by your reaction that something bad happened?"
I tried to answer but I couldn't talk and I started to tear up. I just shook my head yes.
"Did he die?"
I shook my head yes again and started to cry hard. Tony leaned over and put his arm around me trying to comfort me. When we got back to the camp site I spent the whole day in the tent and than I spent the rest of the month on my room, and never left the house all summer.

That day was one of the worst days of my life. That's when my eating disorder started. I look up at Matthew and he is standing there with a worried look on his face. I realize that I was crying so I wipe away my tears. I lean in towards him and give him a quick hug before he picks up my suitcase. We start to walk down the hall in silence.

Hey beautiful people,
I decided that it would be best to unpublished the chapters that weren't edited because someone messaged me and told me it was confusing to them.

I hope that all of you are having a good whatever time of the year it is, I know I'm having a good summer so far. I promise that I will have this story done by the end of summer 2015.
Thanks for reading XOXO

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