Chpater 13 - Hotel

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When I open my eyes I see an unfamiliar roof and I don't know where I am. I look around a I quickly realize that I am inside of a hotel room. Zayn and a guy I don't know are sitting on the foot of the bed I'm in. They both are staring at the TV and it looks like they are playing some Orr of shooting game. I know that they are playing on an Xbox but I'm not sure of the game they are playing. I see my cousin Erica and Taylor sitting on the other bed. Erica is currently working on painting Taylor's toe nails. Both beds look like they are king size but I'm not sure.

Zayn must have feel me sit up and look around because he looks back at me "morning gurl. you didnt want to wake up when we got her."
I look at him "how did get in here?"
He smiles as he pats his friend on the back "muscle man here carried you in last night. You fell asleep on the way here and when we tried to wake you up you wouldn't wake up."
Zayn's buddy looks back at me and smile which makes me smile too. He has a crooked smile and it looks cute on him, plus he is really muscular "thanks" I say feeling kind of embarrassed at the fact he had to carry me in.
"No problem" he replies with a really cute and deep voice. It almost make me feel uncomfortable but I love his voice.

I pull out my phone and look at the time, it is 5:30am and wonder if any of them slept. The next thing I know Erica is jumping on top of me. Erica and I haven't seen each other in forever. It's been a long time since I've seen her and I've really missed her. We start wrestling each other and I think I'm winning when we both fall of the bed. Erica lands right on top of me and we both start laughing our heads off. Zayn is looking back at us and he looks kind of worried, he probably thinks one of us is hurt. He watches us for a few seconds and then when he realizes that we are fine he returns to his game.

I mess up Erica's hair as I ask " did you guys sleep?"
Erica laughs "yes. All of us slept for like 6 hours but no one slept as long as you did."
Erica gets off me and then stands up. She gives me her hand and helps pull me up. She sits on the bed I was sleeping on. I sit down next to her and I lay down.

Taylor comes over and sits on the other side of me "how are you feeling?"
"Good. I feel really rested and I know that's today is going to be a great day."
Erica jumps in on the conversation "do you want us to do your nails too? Maybe your toe nails?"

I look down at my fingers and I have fake nails. My mom and I went to get our nails done a few days ago and I picked these black sparkly nails. The thumb has a pink heart on it and I love my nails. My toe nails are painted black to match my fingers. "No thanks. They're already done."
"Okay" Taylor says" Erica just did my toe nails and I'm about to do hers.

I realised my phone is plugged in which makes me happy. It's nice to know that I have friends that wouldn't let my phone die. I stand up and move on to the other side of Taylor so I could be next to my phone and message people. When I look at my messages I realize someone was messaging Louis. I feel kind of angry knowing that someone was on my phone and messaged the guy I like. I open the convo with Louis and I see that Erica told him it was her. When I look up at erica and she yells "please dont hurt me, I just wanted to see what your boyfriend was like."

I get off the bed and go towards Erica ready to tackle her and knock her off the bed but instead we hug each other. "How long have you guys been dating?" She asks me.
"I'm not dating him. I like him but we're not in a relationship yet."
"Yet? Why wait? He looks cute and I he was really nice when I talked to him."
I feel kinda annoyed at the fact people are finding out about Louis because I wanted to keep it quiet. I didn't want anyone to know about Louis and me because he could get in serious trouble with the police.

I start to think and than I realize that I haven't showered since yesterday morning and I'm going to need to shower. It looks like Zayn's friend already showered because his hair is wet. Zayn usually showers in the morning and so does Taylor. I know that Taylor hasn't showered yet because she likes to let her hair air dry and I don't think I would be dry yet. Erica usually showers at night because she doesn't have time in the morning. I want to have a shower now but I'm scared that someone is going to want to have one while I'm having one. Finally I decide that I should have a shower now and I announce
"I'm gonna go have a shower."

Hey beautiful people,
I finished editing this chapter for the 2nd time. The first time it didn't save properly.
I've decide that I'm going to take a break from editing for the next 6 days because I have exams and need a little break to study. Trying to edit this and study is stressful.
I hope that you guy are enjoying the book so far and don't worry, some of the Magcon boy are going to be coming in within the next few chapters. Thank you so much for this many reads.
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