Chapter 24 - Speeding

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When we get to the bottom of the stairs Matthew hugs me "do you want something to eat? I haven't eaten breakfast yet."
"No thanks. I'm not hungry right now."
"When is the last time you ate?"
I look down at my shoes because I hate when people talk about eating. "That doesn't matter."
Matthew is close to me and he had his fingers under my chin. Matthew tilts my head up "I think that it matters. When is the last time you ate? I ate around 3am and I'm starting to get hungry again."
I'm still looking into Matthews eyes "yesterday around dinner time."

He grabs my hand "what do you want to eat?"
I think for a minute and I actually don't want to eat. "I don't know what do you want to eat?
Matthew goes silent for a minute "I don't know, I was hoping that you would have something you would like. Let's go out somewhere and eat because I don't come to Canada a lot."

I look out the big window and across the street I see a restaurant that is owned by a family friend and I haven't been there for a long time. They have really good burgers and they also have some Asian food which is great. I look at Matthew "do you like burgers or Asian food?"
"Yeah, who doesn't like burgers. Do you know any good burger places around this area?"
"Across the street is a restaurant owned by a family friend. They have really good burgers and they also have some Asian food that I like."

Matthew holds my hand a little bit tighter and he starts to walk towards the door "okay, let's go."
Matthew let's go of my hand as we get to the first door which opens automatically. The exams door Matthew opens for me which makes me smile even more "thank you Matthew."

When we get out front of the hotel the sidewalks are overflowing with people and its hard to navigate our way through the crowd. Matthew reaches for my hand again and holds it so we won't get separated from each other. Ik happy he's holding my hand because I'm feeling kinda scared around all these people around. With his other hand he puts his hood up. We stand at the corner of the street and wait to cross as Matthew holds my hand. I'm really happy and I love feeling like this. I love hanging out with one of the guys that I fangirl over. There's a break in traffic and Matthew start to walk. I walk and try to keep up with his fast pace as he crosses the road.

A car starts coming down the street out of no where. It is going extremely fast and is swaying back and forth. Matthew grips me hand really hard "RUN" we're not the only people crossing the street at the time and everyone on the street starts to run to the closest side. As we're running across the street Matthews good slips off his head. When we safely make it across the street Matthew puts his hood back up before pulling me in really close for a tight hug. "That was scary, are you alright Rue?"
I feel scared and I can't believe that just happened. I hope that car gets pulled over and given a speeding ticket. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Matthew had his arms around my hips and I have my arms just above his shoulders. I'm looking down at my feet and I don't really want to eat, but I know I probably should eat. I feel like Matthew is looking at me but I don't want to look up and check. I keep staring at the ground towards my feet. I don't know why I'm trying to avoid looking Matthew in the eyes but I'm avoiding it. Matthew pulls me in closer and I rest my head on his chest. I'm standing in the middle of Toronto hugging someone on a busy street that seems to be flooded with people. Matthew slides one of his hands down and places it on my butt. I don't know if I want to let him do that but I know that I won't say no to him.

Hey beautiful people,
You guys are awesome and amazing.
I'm sorry for not editing and updating a lot recently, I've just had a lot of things going on in my life and I needed some time to myself.
I hope that all of you are having an awesome time and stuff.
I really have nothing to say here so think up something creative from the author.
Thanks for reading XOXO

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