Zodiac ran at the leader, flicking his hair out the way effortlessly. He grabbed him and knocked him to the floor, but soon he was on his back. The leader brought a knife to his throat, but he snatched it out of his hands. Zodiac snatched him up, and shoved him against the wall, the only section in the light. He stopped.
The leader smacked him.
"don't say it out loud idiot! Bloody hell, I thought you were smart."
"but, but.. It's you!"
"well nah it's me. Yes, well done sherlock."
"hey, you shut up! You didn't know it was me either. Admit it!"
He sighed.
"OK, but it wasn't exactly obvious was it? I mean, who would expect you, milo, to be the leader of a group of assassins?"
"I could say the same go you."
They smiled at each other."oh my God.."
"are you.."
"Don't say my name! You can't, not out here."
"right. But - I'm correct, aren't I? It's really you?"
"Yes. And you're really.."
"yeah, but you mustn't say anything."
Fire knelt down next to diamonds, who gripped her gun tighter.
"hey, it's alright! I'm not going to hurt you. You're my friend; I know we're not close, but that doesn't matter."
Diamonds' arm fell to her side, and her gun slipped out her fingers.
"is your hip OK?" fire looked at her injury. "I'm sorry about that."
"hey, I got your arm. I guess we're equal."
They laughed.
"so can you move?"
Diamonds shook her head.
"OK. I'll stay with you then."
"thanks," she leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Kate."
"any time deimante." she whispered back."no way..."
Alpha threw away her dagger, and it clattered onto the floor.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she repeated, but all envy could do was say the same words back. They were there for a few minutes just apologising to each other, before finally accepting each other's words.
"are you OK?"
Envy pushed her way up, with Alphas help.
"yeah, I'll be fine. You are so good!"
"so are you! I never thought you would be able to do anything like this!"
"no, neither did I. It took lots of work to get here."
"yeah, same here. Come on, we'll go find the others."
"OK, but we can't tell them about us."
"of course. Let's go. Mary."
"I'm right behind you. Linda.""wait a minute.."
"hey, don't sound so surprised! That's just racist."
"yep, it's definitely you tan-"
"woah woah, stop right there. Don't even think about saying my name out loud. As fabulous as I am, I can't be revealed to the others."
Ginger nodded her head.
"I understand. It's the same with me, I can't say a word. Kinda sucks, doesn't it?"
"yeah, but we'll live. Sooo," donuts tried to stand up, but she cried out in pain.
"oh God, your leg, of course!"
Ginger hurried to her side. The back of her thigh had a nasty looking bullet wound.
"what have I done?"
"hey, don't get all dramatic about it, you didn't know it was me! I know that no one, and that includes you, would purposefully shoot someone as awesome as me."
Ginger laughed.
"OK look, I'll help you get to the others, and then we can sort out your leg."
"alright. Thanks. Alura."
She lowered her voice.
"you're welcome. Tanisha.""I am not seeing this.."
Demon stood, gun in her hand and still aiming at his head.
"you son of a-"
He threw his gun to the floor. It wasn't an act of fear though, more a gesture of anger. She didn't move.
"why did you do that?" she said loudly, in a very demanding manner.
"because, as much as I would love to shoot you, I can't."
Demon laughed.
"why? Because you're such a dreadful coward?"
"no, because my boss wouldn't be impressed. If I let you live, and I tell him what happened, I'll be much better off."
"really? oh look sir, I made sure the person from our enemies side lived. She's in perfect condition, there's not a scratch on her. Are you proud?" she imitated him.
"look, he's your friend. If I don't kill you, it proves that I will do anything to keep him happy. I will even sacrifice the chance to kill you. I personally think that's very kind of me."
Demon lowered her gun. It worked two ways though - she couldn't kill him either. She lowered her gun.
"fine." she snarled. "let's just go. Ryan."
"fine. Marrisa."
She punched him.Envy walked out, alphas arm supporting her. Her stomach still hurt after that kick, but she could walk, and she was feeling better already. They could already see their two groups. Then, envy stopped.
"what's wrong?"
"sugar. She's not there. I know where she is. You go, tell everyone I'm fine, and I'll go find her."
"are you sure?"
Envy nodded her head as she went to find sugar. She searched through the shadows, and then she finally found her. She was lying on the floor, and she was crying her eyes out.
"oh God. Sugar!" she tan up to her and grabbed her hand.
"are you OK?!"
She shook her head. Envy guessed that she was in pain. It was a scary sight - she had never seen sugar cry before. Ever.
"OK, what hurts sugar?"
"my heart." she said softly."your heart?"
Sugar nodded, her tears dripping onto the floor.
"well.. Are you finding it hard to breathe? Is that the problem?"
"it's one of many problems, yes."
Envy was finding it hard to help her. She was awful with crying people.
"what problems sugar?"
"I have fallen."
"everyone falls sugar, but you can get up again!"
"I have a slight feeling you don't understand." sugar said as she sat up. "but never mind envy. So, what's happened? Have we won?"
"um.. Yeah, sort of."
Sugar suddenly howled, and she put her hands up to her eyes.
"so he's dead! He's gone forever, and I'll never see him again! Oh God, why him?! Why not me?!" she broke down. Suddenly, it clicked. Envy knew the problem.
"oh Jacqueline. Why?" she rolled her eyes.
"come on sugar, get up. We have to find zodiac and the others."
Envy picked sugar up, and she trudged back with her.
Rastgele"what are you planning now?" she asked him as she leant her arm on his shoulder. "who said I was planning anything?" "two new people. Two! This means something big." "yes indeed my sweet. It does. This is bigger than any of your past assignments. I...