Gerard's POV.

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So I woke up in the morning and I look out my window to see fans all outside my house. I was not expecting this 5  years ago when I had started the band. So I get on my phone and call Mikey. ring...ring...ring... it goes to voicemail. I leave him a message anyways that says "Come quick there's fans surrounding my house I need you over here to help get them away so that I can go outside and enjoy the day and use my cigarettes."

Mikey doesn't answer I'm starting to get concerned. After two hours while I was waiting for Mikey to reply I was calling all the other bandmates trying to get a hold of Mikey. None of them have heard from him.

So now I go into my garage to see my freshly painted red Cadillac with orange flames on the side sitting there waiting for my butt that sit on that cushion. I grab the keys and rush out backing up yelling to fans to 'get out-of-the-way'. When I finally get out of my driveway I go out and turn right so I can head over to Mikey's place.

When I get there I knock once. I knocked twice. I knocked three times and no reply! I decide to get the key from under his mat to go and break into his house to see if he's all right. Of  course I had my bodyguards go all around me so nobody can see me get the key from under his mat because he is also as famous. Fans are also at his house but only like 100 or something, not like mine, mine has like 1000 because I'm more popular because I'm the lead singer.

Anyways so I go into his household to find him not there. All I see is our mom laying on the couch and I ask "Where is Mikey?" She says "I don't know I woke up and he wasn't here ." "Ugh," I say. "I have been searching for him for about an hour and a half what do I do next?" I ask mom. She says "Maybe search his favorite places to go?" I say "Great idea!"

I head over to the bar and he's not there. I ask if he has been there at all today and they say no. Then next off to his second favorite place: Kmart.

So I go over there and look to see if he is there. I walk all around the Kmart. He is not there. I know he was at one of them at one point of the day at 2:00 AM. I don't know why at 2:00 AM but he was there. So I asked for the security footage they say it's not allowed to be shown to the public so I say I'll give you 200 bucks to see it then they let me see. I see that Mikey drive towards the west so I follow his car marks until I can't see them any longer.

What do I do? I still can't find him! So I'm asking other people that have stands for fruits and vegetables if they have seen him because they are outside and they might have seen the car that he was driving. I give them a description of the car he was driving. It was a very large white van that had printed on the side 'My Chemical Romance' and it said 'Gerard' on both sides of the van and on the front of the van and I had printed everybody else in the van but Bob was also whited out because he's out of the band now.

So I go off into the woods where Mikey also loves to be so he can feel like he's camping. I check his favorite spot. Guess what?!? He is there! I go over to him as he sobs next to a tree trunk. I ask him what is wrong as I kneel beside him.

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