Gerard's Texts

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Frank's POV.

So I texted Gerard the news and he said okay.

Then I heard something bzzzzz,bzzzzzzzzzzz, and I feel my left buttcheek viberate. MY PHONE WAS GOING OFF!! I see it's only a call from I answer

G: Gerard

G: Hey Frank so if Mikey's getting out soon you think he might act fine for a little bit but then turn on us!?

F: Nah the hospital workers said they've calmed him down.

G: Are you sure because he's gonna be mad at me so I'm kinda worried...

F: Don't be. If you get scared AGAIN you can stay at my place, again.🙄

G: Thanks but I'm not sure he should be out that soon are you absolutely sure he looks fine?

F: Yes he does, why don't you just stop by him later when you get out tomorrow?

G: That's a good idea!Thanks

F: ok so bye

G:WAIT what if he tur-

F: *cutting off Gerard* He will be fine you will be too just start packing up for tomorrow I will stop by to get you around 11:40.

G: ok I guess

Then I hang up. Then I get a text from Gerard AGAIN saying "WAIT Melanie said she can bring me to her place so I said 'okay' is that fine?"

Little does he know I'm jealous of him...

I text back "Okay, your curfew is 10:00. Text me if you want me to pick you up okay?"

gerard says ok

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