Watch your yogurt!!!

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*Gerard's POV*
So it is the next day and everything was bad just from the start of the day. I woke up and I had a full bladder so I headed towards the toilet, around 30 minutes later I realize my fly was down so I went back into the bathroom and zipped up my fly. It was just great. Next I knew I was getting a call from Ray. Oh no, not Ray!! So I denied it.

Anyway, after that I started to watch TV with Frank because we had a play date/sleepover. We were watching the new SpongeBob movie that had just come out when I remembered I have a doctors appointment today!! And I was almost late!!!!!

So I rushed into my bedroom, got dressed into some proper clothes, and started up my Cadillac and hit the road without telling Frank I had left. I was only two minutes away. 👄

After a 15 minute drive, I made it to the office at exactly 11:00 AM. I was so relieved but then I ended up missing the appointment so they just skipped me and I have to rebook another one. It was just great because of course this had to happen to me.

Next I knew I was getting a bunch of texts from Tyler saying that he was super excited for the record to come out I was like what record?? Then Frank reminded me. I was like "Oh did I get high last night?" and apparently I did. I asked Frank the details this is what he said..

*Franks POV*

Gerard got super high last night he was literally passed out on the floor. I was like "Dude, you're not supposed be drinking." and he said "I'm not drinking, I'm just having alcohol." and I was like "That's the same thing dude, you're so high." and then he didn't get what I meant. He thought that we're watching SpongeBob we were really watching Family Guy (the Star Wars edition) he is such a klutz sometimes. I get very angry with him but I have to stick to being nice or Mikey might kick me out of the band🧠🧠

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