Mikey's POV.

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So I wake up in the morning around 12:00 AM to get a call from the vet says that my hamster has died. This is ruining my life. I get up, get my shoes, and hopped into the MCR van. Which also I think that I should get my credit because Gerard and Frank are always getting every single piece of credit that there is the pass around and I've had enough of it. So I decide to grab the keys to the van and drive away. My phone is on me so I stop at Kmart, my second favorite place, and are use their free Wi-Fi. I search up if my favorite camping place is open. Yes it is so I decide to drive over there.

Six hours later I'm starting to get calls from Gerard. When I am at the camping site nobody is around me so I decide to go to a tree trunk, leave my phone on the table, and start to sob. My hamster has died and I'm not getting enough credit for being in the band. I think that I should get more credit than I am. So I decide to keep sobbing and ignore Gerard's calls.

Sooner or later, so pretty much about two hours later, I hear Gerard's red Cadillac that is freshly painted red with orange flames on the side to go driving up the hill. 

skrt skrt.

"WHAT NOW GERARD?!" I scream but Gerard does not hear me. sigh. I see Gerard get out of his Cadillac painted red with orange flames on the side and walk towards me. "What is going on?" he asks me. I do not reply. I get up, go sprint towards my phone, and jump into my van where I see Gerard right in front of it trying to get a hold of me. I run him over. Gerard screeches in pain. I yell out the window "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO CHASE ME!" I back out of the campsite and what I do next people say is extraordinary. 😎

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