Going back to the hospital

19 3 0

Gerard's POV

So I was just eating my froyo and stuff when all of a sudden BAM! A girl came in and saw me then started screaming then crying. Then a mom came in then next I know a girl was threatening to choke me so I did whatever she wanted. Then I said annoyed "If you don't shut that little girl up I am gonna throw my sharp cup at her." she laughed. 

Then I lost it. 

I threw my cup at her and BAM! She blacked out. Then she was laying on the floor and the mom was panicking. Then I realized that girl who was gonna choke me was her sister!! So I said, "I'm really not sorry." to the mother of two. Then the mother of two said, "We are not thankful of you here either." So then I said, "You should call 911." And the mother of two said "I did dumbo." and I said ok. 

Then I heard sirens in the distance. Then I screamed, "I STUBBED MY TOE!!" even tho I didn't XD. Then when I got to the hospital (cuz I had to go to explain why I threw my cup) a worker or few recognized me and sighed. So after I explained the girl of the sister who I threw my cup at told me her name was Jenna, Jenna Cooper and I was like cool then I left and never spoke to her again.☺️

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