Gerard's POV.

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Okay, so I was about to tell Tyler that I had stole his woman when Josh said "I got this Gerard, don't worry," so Josh continued as he said "Tyler. I'm sorry to say, but I think Hayley has gone out with Gerard." Surprisingly, Tyler took it really well! He actually said that he kind of wanted to break up with her, so everything was good! I was pretty happy too. Tyler kind of looks a little bit sad, but he didn't really need to drink out of his mad or angry sippy cup.

Josh's POV.

So after that I got a text. It was from Jenna. It said she wanted to have a hang out with me later this week. I responded saying okay, then Tyler got a text saying that Jenna wanted to have a hang out with HIM later this week too! So I wondered what that meant, so I called Jenna in the corner. I thought I saw Tyler saying yes like he liked my woman or something! That made me feel weird, but I just shrugged it off.

The phone was ringing. r

ringing wrong bong being willing long rong Ring bing bong

Then Jenna picked up. I asked her what she meant. She said "I meant to like...hang out with you AND Tyler." I said "How about just me?" she laughed. I was being serious. She didn't know so I acted like I was being sarcastic I asked her if she's gonna have any friends can't come along with us to hang out with Tyler. she said "No, I think I'll hang out with Tyler."

That made me a little mad but I shrugged it off again. Then she said she had to go. I got a little suspicious of her, but not too much. But then I hung up and I enjoyed the ride all the way to Gerard's recording studio.

Tyler's POV.

So Josh just got a text from Jenna saying that she wanted to hang out later this week. I got a text from Jenna. I was so excited just to see that I got a text from her! When I read it, it said she wanted to hang out with me later this week. I was so excited!! I can't believe that she actually wanted to hang out with me!!! I said yes, and then I realized that Josh had saw me doing that a little bit. I hope he wasn't jealous that Jenna wanted to hang out with me.

Anyway, Josh called up Jenna and sounded pretty serious. I don't know what was going on now because I could barely hear with Gerard's hood down to the car. Then I got another text from Jenna, but I opened it secretly so Josh can not see it. The texts reads: "Josh is acting a little weird, wanna ditch him later?" I responded "No, that would be wrong." And she said "Come on!!!"

I had to let Josh know in my head but I cannot say that to Jenna. So I told Josh that Jenna was planning on ditching him, so Josh called her up and said I'm breaking up with you and then hung up. I was like "That's how you do it like a man!"

I was only supporting him because I wanted to take Jenna. Then I texted Jenna to see if she was okay from the break up and she said she didn't care as long as she could still hang with me.I said deal. Our date was 2 days from now (aka on Thursday).

Gerard's POV

Okay so I was driving Frank, Tyler, and Josh in the back of my red Cadillac with orange flames on the side when all of a sudden they kept talking. Then I saw Josh calling somebody. I just ignored it. While that was happening, I was talking to Frank. Frank was talking to me 15 minutes after all that drama.

Finally, we made it there at the recording studio. I was ready to get out of my red Cadillac with orange flames on the side and walk through those double doors.

When we got out and into the recording studio I noticed that there was nobody at the desk, so I check myself, even the last time they told me not to do that again and just ring the bell that's there. I hate ringing bells so I don't.

Anyway, I check myself into one of those recording studios where there was a guy waiting there for us. I got Tyler set up and to the booth to record. Josh was just sitting on the couch eating some Munchkins. All of a sudden I heard Tyler singing "Turn away.. if you could get me a drink, of water cause' my lips are chapped and faded, call my aunt..." and so on so on.

After he was done we did Josh's part in the booth. He was a pretty good drummer. While Josh did his part, Tyler starting eating the Munchkins too. They acted like this was their first time doing this. I said "You guys are so hyper today!" and they were like "Yeah it's our first time doing this." and I was like "oh".

Besides that we had a blast! I even had some apples for the first time in four years! Josh said he was breaking his diet to have those munchkins and I was like "Is that how you get those arms?" and he laughed and I was like"I'm serious." Xd Anyway, we had a blast! And then we had to drive home. I drove Tyler and Josh home. We all went back to their houses. I went to mine.

Me and Frank we're just chillin' on the couch watching America Has Talent. I told him that I should be on it. Then Frank told me that Bob should really be on it from his tricks he knows then we agreed.

This chapter is 1003 words so enjoy.

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