At gerards home

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OK so this is Tyler's pov

I was driving to Gerard's home in my olive green Toyota minivan, andwhen I got to his house I saw Gerard jumping up-and-down on his lawn screaming "YESS!!! I finally have friends!!!" I thought that was kind of odd, but I shrug it off.

I had Josh in the backseat (because my microphone had to go in the front seat all buckled up) and then Josh's drums were in the way back in the trunk.

Anyway, I was getting out of the car when Gerard screamed for Frank. I was like "OMG Frank is going to be here?!!" and then he said "Yes." so then Frank got from the house and carried some of Josh's drums inside the household.

Gerard tried to pick up my microphone and it's stand at the same time but he dropped both of them, breaking it. Immediately he said, "I'll pay for that because I break a lot of stuff." then he pulled out a wallet that said Raymond on it.

I asked if that was his cause it was made with leather he said " yea." even though we both knew it wasn't his.

Anyways, when I got inside the house we were setting up everything. I also got a new microphone with the stand from Gerard. Once we set everything up, Gerard said "Oh yeah, I forgot we don't have to take any of your stuff out after all because I forgot I already booked us a little slot at the recording station!" I said "OMG that's so cool!" he said "Yeah, yeah..."

So we were driving out to the recording studio and I was in the backseat of Gerard's red Cadillac with orange flames on the side. I was so honored to be in his legendary red Cadillac with orange flames on the side.

I said "Too bad Hayley isn't here." then Gerard said something. I asked him what he said and he said "Nevermind." to Frank and then he got all red. He said "Well...actually I think I have to tell you something." and I was like "Ok, how much money are we getting paid?" and then he laughed and said "That's not it."

I was shocked to hear this news that it wasn't about my paycheck! I looked at him in confusion, then looked at Josh. Josh's face was all red and looks like he was panicking. He handed me my water bottle that I always drink out of when I get nervous and mad so I was worried this was gonna be a long ride


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