Nurse's POV.

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I was taking care of Gerard and Frank when all the sudden I get a call saying Mikey had been caught. I sing Hallelujah and Gerard asked "What?"

What do I tell him? He also said he felt bad for Mikey. I was said "BOIIII!! He ran you over!!" he said "I know but still he would only do this if he had a reason..." So I said "Mmmhmm."

Then Frank started Yelling "THE PAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNN OWWWWW I HAVE A CRAMPPPPPPP!!!!!"Gerard said "What? You on your period or sumthin??" me and him chuckled.

Then Frank said "Nooo my head it-it it it it it it it it's havvviiii-nnnnngggggg a MIGRAINE!!!" so I give him some aspirin and he automatically feels better..But then we got some news, more specifically for Gerard...

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