Late mornings

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Gerard's POV

*next day*

I woke up and was being fed my soup. I look to my side to say good morning to Frank, but he isn't there. Sad. So I am a little unsatisfied then I realize "IM GETTING OUT TODAY!!" I thought that I was thinking that but I actually screamed it. Then two nurses who were whispering in the boring white wallpaper hospital hallway came in calmly and told me they had packed my things while I was asleep.

Then they asked the nurse feeding me a couple questions like if my pee was healthy and then some really weird questions like if my heart beat was okay. I was like 'wtf' in my head. Then I realized it was almost time for Melanie to pick me up!!

I told the nurses to dress me fast before my ride comes and they laughed and said "Who, your brother??" I said back, annoyed, "No, my girlfriend"

Then they went out of the room to go get my most ligit clothes and my iPhone 4. Under their breathe they said to each other "Sure he has a girlfriend." That made me mad but I shrugged it off.

Once the nurses changed me I packed my things up like my clothes, dead grandma's house keys, shoes, glow in the dark Taylor Swift addition phone charger, my bladder pads in case I laugh and pee a little, and other items 

Then I waited in the hallway. When Melanie came I got in her car and put my 3 suit cases that had no flames on the side in the trunk of her pastel blue Toyota car that also had no flames on the side but in fact had two tear drop stickers on the back of her Toyota car that was a pastel blue,and then got in the passenger seat of Light blue Toyota car with no flames on the side.

Melanie got in her pastel blue Toyota car with no flames on the side too and hit the gas and we were off to her house.

Then when we got to her one story pastel orange/red home we got out of her pastel blue Toyota car that had no flames on the side and headed into her home.

I walked in to see a bra on the floor next to her hamper and ignored it. I asked her where her bathroom is and she told me around the corner then you take a left and another left and another left then a right then you should be there so I said okay and found her bathroom.

I unzipped my pants, to my undies, it was a little wet!! SHIT! I had started to pee myself and I was still doing it. I tried to stop but I couldn't so I just let it drip into my now soggy undies and then down my leg. Then I threw out my undies and just stuck a pad on my inner pants.

Then I walked out of the bathroom to see Melanie had made me a sandwich so I gobbled it down and so did she, but she took about 5 bites I took two. Then we headed into her room of the beds. My pad was warm and a little wet so I had leaked a little already. Ugh. I ignored it and Melanie and I watched tv and chatted till I had to go.

I called Frank and he didn't answer so I was gonna call Mikey but he wouldn't answer cuz he couldn't have his phone, next was Ray but I wasn't gonna talk to him, next was Bob. I call him. It goes ring, tong, ding, dong, ring, ding, ring, rong, ming , mong then it goes to voice mail. So I decide to walk home.

A/N: Btw this chapter is like literally 630 words so you better enjoy this.

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