Tylers POV

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Okay so I was hanging out with Josh and his girlfriend Jenna, and Jenna's friend Debby Ryan, when all of a sudden I heard a knock at the door of my house that we are hanging out in.
I get up and I answer it. It was the mailman with a package from 1092 Cat In A V-Neck-Tank-Top Road and I open the box and see it's a shirt. But I can't tell the what the design is unless I take it out completely.
So after I collect my other mail I sit down and see Jenna in her glory. I kinda like her but Josh and her are together and I'm dating Hayley😿. So then I put the box on my lap and unfolded the shirt to see a twenty one pilots shirt that said the name on it in red, white, and the background is black.
Omg!!! Then I realized there was two shirts and a note on the bottom. Before I could show everyone, they had started staring at the shirt and then Josh said "OMG THESE ARE THE FIRST TWENTY ONE PILOTS SHIRTS IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!" And then I realized that these are history. So I put them on and they fit like a glove! So I go to read the note and it says it's from Gerard Way!!!! OMG!!! Was I friends with him now!? It reads:

Hi, It's Gerard

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