You broke in gerard?!j

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*Car stealer's POV*

I was just done breaking into Gerard's car, and yes, the REAL Gerard Way😁😁😁🤗🤗, when I cut in front of some hottie in a pastel blue Toyota car. Then I got closer to the stoplight near the hospital. All of a sudden Gerard started running up to me!! Did he notice me because of my career?

"OMG," I said. "Your GerARd WaY!!" And he said "Ye." and jumped through my back window into my/his car. Good thing the windows were open!!
"Omg I love you sooo much!" I
said as he looked at me. He looked at my band's tee-shirt on and said "Par-par a Moore?" I sighed. Nobody knows how to say it right!!!! "No my bands name is paramore." I said

"Oh?" he said. "You make music?" I said yes. He said ok. We both agreed to never talk about this moment again and restart our meet so yea. Then the light turned green, so I hit the gas ⛽️.

Then Gerard started yelling at me like I had stole his wife or something so I said "Dude, chill." and got out of the car. I winked at him as I got out cuz I left my phone number in his wallet. Then I walked home waiting for my iPhone 4+ to go off.

*Gerard's POV*

So after that weird car break in I told Melanie that I will call her later cuz I got my car and she said ok. So I get home and pulled out my wallet to put it on my dresser and a paper fell out. It had written on it "Hey it's Paramore Girl's number call meh. Lol. Derp." so I pulled out my iPhone 4 and called her.

G=Gerard H=Hayley/Paramore gurl

G: Hey this i-
H: Hi I know you are Gerard Way!!
G: Oh okay....
H: So um...
G: uh
H: uh
G: uh
H: uh
G: uh
H: uh
G: uh
H: uh
G: uh
G: bye
H: Bye!!!

And the call ended.

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