Car driver's POV.

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I was driving my blue minivan from Honda that had my family in stick figures on the back my 3 kids and my wife. I like to play football in my yard with my boys! Anyways, I turn on the radio. I put it at a volume right for my children's ear drums so they do not ake in pain.

I hear "Your misery and hate will kill us all" so I imediantly change it because my children can not listen to music with bad words or emo people in it.

I find the station I'm looking for and it is our gospel channel. We all sing Ave Maria IN PEACE, unlike we would with all these horrible new pop songs. I was stopped at a red light and some morons came scurrying across the road before me and the car in front of me could make our way straight down toads turnpike.

It turned green and everyone waited on one side of the street so they don't get run over. The car in front of me goes, then I go, but then some moron ran across the street right in front of my car and screamed "KILL ME NO ONE LOVES ME ANYWAY" I didn't have time to stop so I ran the slightly over weight man with black long hair over, I said "OH MY!" but in my inside voice.

My 9 year old daughter and 10 year old twin boys offered to call the police. I said moms got it but thank you.

The police come

I was sitting in my car getting asked questions how it happened, when the police said "You can charge this man for your car damage."  I think
for a second "Sue him for half of what he's got in the bank." I say, and that was my final deal. Then they said I get 50¢ and that I can not change my offer now. He FREAKING ONLY HAD ONE DOLLAR IN THE BANK!?!? I calmed down and we went back to our house for family game night!!

Gerard's POV

I was walking across the street on Pumpkin Avenue then I got an idea on the next street over I would kill myself!No one likes me anyway! So I run across the street and scream "KILL ME NO ONE LOVES ME ANYWAY"and the driver runs me over. Then everything went from cars to black then I realized I woke up. Then next I knew I was in an ambulance going to the hospital and when I got there it was a shocker............

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