Gerards POV

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I was laying in my hospital bed after I got back from that successful pee. I was talking to Melanie about her life when all of a sudden the nurse comes in again with some news ...........................................................................................................................she says that I can get out tomorrow! I'm so excited and Melanie is too. I look over to Frank and we ask about Frank.

"Oh well Frank can get out now if he wants." she says. I am so thankful. I ask Melanie, "What should I do once I get out?" She says "Come to my place!" she texts me her address.

105 LoggileChimp St.

Then I say "Frank, are you going to get out today or are you gonna wait for me?" Frank says "I'm going to get out today if you don't mind" Then I say "Of course I don't mind!" but secretly I wish that he would wait for me.😢.

I start to think Frank is tired of me. After all the times when I ask him questions he keeps ignoring me. Maybe he's jealous I got Melanie. But that can't be possible because he always gets the women! I am always stuck with the leftovers. So I wonder.

Frank's POV.

I could tell Gerard notices that I'm jealous of him. How can he get Melanie?! I usually get the girls!!! He usually gets the leftovers! I mean this is impossible what am I going to do? I don't know. Maybe I could just ask Melanie out. But she already told me that shes more interested in Gerard.


At least I get to leave today. Gerard is acting weird about me leaving today. I wonder why. I wonder if he misses me or if he is gonna miss me. So I get out of my bed and I start to pack up my stuff.

I grab my charger cord, my new underwear that the hospital gave me, my real clothes, and my microwave. I grab my suitcase and shove it all in there and I head out the door. I mumbled under my breath "Bye, Melanie." Then I really whisper so she can't hear me "I love you."

Good thing she didn't hear or any nurses or Gerard didn't hear it. On my way I decide that I should stop by Mikey. When I get into his insane room I see Mikey in the corner.

I say hi, he says hi, the doctor says hi, we all say hi! Then the doctor says "He is doing really good and he might be able to get out in two or three days." I say good and text Gerard the news.

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