Nobody's POV.

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Gerard started to sob and cry. Then he got mad and started screaming. "HOW COULD THEY DO THIS?!" and that was when nurses put him to sleep for a little. While he was asleep a fan came in named Melanie. She had been trying to be a singer. Melanie Martinez was her name.

She heard about what happened. She loved Gerard. She also dyed her hair half black half blonde. Melanie was sitting on the edge of the bed talking to Frank. She liked Frank but she loved Gerard. Everyone could tell Frank liked her.

When Gerard woke up he was amazed by her beautifulness. Everyone already could tell Gerard and her were meant for each other.

~ Melanie's POV ~

I saw Gerard's face as he looked up and it was glowing! I think he liked me already!!! I sure hoped so. Frank was nervous so I could tell he liked me. He was sweet and all, but I loved Gerard.

When Gerard was up and ready from his nap he said "H-h-hi my name is Ger-rat... no I meant Gerard." 🐀.

Then the nurse said "More like retard." we all chuckled. Then Gerard reached his hand out to shake and of course I thought it was a high five so I hit it.

"Uhh-That was a hand sh-Never mind.." Gerard says. "Sorry! My name is Melanie I'm trying to make music... but it's not working out so good yet. And I love your music!!" I said. Then he said "You are very pretty to me" and then he got red.

"Thank you.." I said. Then I told him I like him. He liked me already so I asked him out and he said yes!!! He said he wanted to get devorced from Lindsey as soon as he could and I said I could help him get the paper work here and he could sign it and I would bring it back! He said thanks and I said I will get it there by tommarow!

Next thing I knew I was in there with the paperwork and Gerard signing it!! I was bringing it back when I look to the right and the car next to me had Lindsey in it. I beeped and she looked over. I did the middle finger to her and she was shocked. I drove away fast.

Then once I dropped off the papers I was back in Gerard and Franks hospital room. When I walked in I saw only Frank so I say "Where is Gerard?" and the nurse says "He is in the bathroom." I said okay and sit in a uncomfortable chair in the room.

After a minute Frank says "Why did you choose Gerard and not me?!" I asked him "Why...?"and he said "You know I really liked you." I said "I know..." under my breathe and then everything was silent until Gerard came back.

He asked me about my life and stuff and I told him about it but then a nurse came rushing in with some news..

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