Hayley\paramore gals POV

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Hayley's pov

So the call had ended with Gerard and I was so amazed.. I HAD MET GERARD WAY!?!?!!!!!!! So then I called my friends about Gerard and my boyfriend, Tyler Joseph, about it. When I told him that I had his number he said "IF GERARD FINDS OUT ABOUT OUR CAREERS WE CAN GO VIRAL AS PARAMORE AND TWENTY ONE PILOTS!!" I had forgotten about that!!
I left Ty a message that said "I'm gonna try to get us a meet up with Gerard"

Then I did!! Gerard said yes!! He said he'll be happy to hear our music next Tuesday. I was so exited!!!!!!!


*Gerard's POV*

So that girl who I forgave for stealing my car was coming to my house with her boyfriend Tyler and Josh Done or Dun what ever so I cleaned up my house and made them goody bags.

*10:00 AM*

It was 10 am, they had gotten here 15 minuets early when I was in the middle of a piss. I pushed harder so my pee went faster, then pulled up my underwear, then pants, then zipped up my fly. I rushed to the door, I opened it slowly then said hello politely to the manly man, good looking woman, and hot guy.
They all were excited. I asked them why and they laughed so I remembered that they were fans of me. They thought I was playing dumb, but I wasn't, so I still played along.
Next I knew we were on my couch, talking like we were all friends from years ago. Then everything went black...

It was terrible...

The unthinkable happened....

I had blinked.....

Then I acted like I wasn't scared and asked to hear Hayley play her music. She told me she will play the recorded one cuz her band wasn't here and so she did. It went like.."AIN'T IT FUN?LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD! MMHM MHHMMHM... AIN'T IT GOOD LIVING..." I was impressed. When I rated her 7 1/2 out of ten Hayley freaked out and was shoving it in Tyler's face. Then me and Tyler and josh started talking.

J=Josh, T=Tyler, and G=Gerard.
G: hey
J: hey
T: hey
G: so what's your band's name?
T: twenty one pilots
G: oh where is everyone?
T: xD it's only us in it. Justme and Josh.
J: yeah I play the drums
T: I sing and play the ukulele and piano
G: oh nice
J: yeah
T: so um we are in this album called Vessel and I will be singing you a song called guns for hands
G: ok let's hear it
J: ok do you mind if I bring in my fold up drums?
G: ok
J: *pulles out folded drums from pocket and sets up*
T: *does vocal warm up*
T: okay let's do this


Ok so Tyler had been singing a VERY catchy tune and he had a good voice, and Josh was good at the drums. I had rated them a 9 and they were excited cuz I asked them to cover my newest song Cancer. They agreed.
Ok I was pretty interested in Hayley by now😜 so I asked her on a date and she said yes right away. I told Melanie we were over and she told me she cheated on me the whole time. I was kinda upset but not too much. So I was dating Hayley, and now Tyler and Josh were gonna do a cover of my song. WOW!!but there was one problem...Who was gonna tell Tyler that he was dumped..?? Ps I'm going on the date tommarow aka Wednesday .

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