Black,black,and passed out

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Frank's POV.

Omg everything became pitch back even Gerards pale face... I had passed out..😟


Mikey had come in my hospital room right after I decided to live! Was he gonna apologize to me?


Instead he BLAMED ME FOR ALL OF THIS!?!?wHAT!?! I couldn't believe it! And when he was done yelling all I saw was Mikey leaving and Frank on the floor because I had blinked again, it was horrible, it was like I went blind for a whole half a second. Then I heard glass breaking nurses panicking and an alarm went off, Mikey had escaped, and I know who he was heading straight for next....

On the other hand Frank was still on the ground! What do I do? I can't get up because I had only one leg, so I screamed Franks name. "FRANK FRANK FRANK!" I screamed. Sigh... it wasn't working so I hit my assistants button and a nurse was on its way to help Frank and me...

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