Gerard's POV.

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I wake up to blood scattered everywhere. I look down at my leg and it's chopped in half. I screech in pain and in horror. I call my mom. She scurries over here in her white Toyota mini van that has no flames on the side of any color and it says printed on the sides "Very cautious mom: be alert." as a joke. I laugh at it but Mikey doesn't.

So my mom starts to pull up the hill and I am screeching in pain. She puts me in the back of her truck a.k.a. van and we rush over to the hospital. I call Frank to go chase after Mikey and that's what he does while I'm in the hospital.


I rush to Mikey in my 4x4 red truck and scurry over to Mikey's location. I have a tracker on his MCR van so I knew where he was.

I finally catch up to him. He was at a gas station ordering some pizza. I catch up to him and ask him what's wrong. He explains the whole thing. What he does next is extraordinary..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................he went over to the pet store because he saw a little girl's hamster choking. He pumps a little hamster food out of it and saves that hamster's life. He gets rewarded with a lifetime of hamsters. Now he is much happier but there is still something wrong I'm trying to figure out.

In the meantime I called Gerard just to see how he is doing. I called him and he was on the phone for a little bit not being able to talk. All of a sudden it switches to a nurse. "The car accident was very bad but something even worse was that even if Gerard didn't get in a car crash his bloodwork and everything wouldn't even be good because of how much drugs and weird stuff he was doing. He wasn't going to make it for a while," the nurse said. "But all of a sudden his health was getting a lot better." she says.

So I made Mikey drop by the hospital and apologize for what he did to Gerard. But while he is there one of the nurses sees that he's going insane. They ended up putting him in the mentally issued part of the hospital until he's feeling better. So I kept running around the hospital from one side to the other trying to see Gerard and Mikey at the same time. It was very hard.

At one point I ran into a nurse and we dropped a whole gallon of blood on the floor and they had to retake the blood from the woman. I felt so bad that I gave the woman pat on the back and she said it was okay just from that pat on the back. She was an overweight black woman. She had many children so I offered to take care of those children, bring them to my house, and feed him for the rest of their lives. The woman said yes. I finally had my own children!

Gerard was in the hospital, Mikey was in the hospital, everything was going great! And we also had a big career change! Guess what? The company dropped us for being too violent! So Gerard was crying for some reason... I didn't really get what it meant by "dropping us" but I'm pretty sure it means we are all getting a raise so next Tuesday I hired a babysitter while we go to band rehearsal all is going well.

I'll write to you guys tomorrow

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