Chapter 6

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Chances POV

It's so obvious that Emilio likes Tessa. Right after she said that comment about the leaf blower all I saw was jealousy in his eyes. I sat down next to Tessa and we sort of cuddled during the movie. We watched lights out, and I loved how she would grab me if she was scared. All night Emilio was giving me the stink eye, but i tried to ignore it.

Emilio's POV

I just had to tell Tessa how I feel. " Tessa"! I said. "Yeah Martinez"? She questions. "Can we talk alone"? I responded. She followed me into the office and I shut the door. "Tessa, ever since the day I met you I have liked you, as more than a friend." I nervously said. Tessa looked at my eyes and spoke softly " Look Emi, your a great person but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now."I was paying no attention to what she had said. I watched her lips flawlessly move and I smashed my lips right against them. She screamed, while pushing me off causing Chance and Jake to come running in. "What the heck man!" He yelled. I watched Tessa run behind Chance and look at me as if I were a monster. What did I just do?

Tessa's POV

Over the few weeks I avoided Emilio. Chance and I grew closer together, and I knew I liked him. It was swim week and Rik had just flown to Florida with Lo. I woke up and saw a note from team 10. I read it aloud, " Dear T and Chance, we all went to a party and won't be back for two days. You guys were both asleep and we did not want to wake you. See you tomorrow morning, -team 10."

Chance-" Morning T"

Tessa-"Hey, team ten is gone until tomorrow morning what do you want to do?"

Chance-" lets go grab smoothies and then work out."

He winked.


He screamed while I ran upstairs to get ready.

I came put my hair in a messy bun, and threw on black Cosstellar leggings and a black and white sports bra. RememberingChance was coming I put on a hoodie.

Tessa-"I'm readyyy" I screamed.

Chance-"okay, lets go"

We walked in and I ordered a mango smoothie for me and a peach smoothie for Chance. He began to take out his wallet but I grabbed it and paid for the order using my money instead. I then handed it back to him as nothing had happened.

Chance-" You know you didn't have to do that right? I was going to pay for you."

Tessa-" I know. But you always pay and I feel bad."

Chance-" Don't feel bad, I mean views are poppin, and haters just make ya pay check bigger!"

Chances POV

As we left the cafe Tessa laughed at my joke. God I love that laugh. I wish she liked me back but I did not want to ruin our friendship. But there was a little part of me willing to take that risk...

Tessa-"You good bro, you have been staring at nothing for a good minute.

Chance-"Yeah in fine, I was just wondering... what team 10 is doing right now."

Tessa-"There probably just vloging and playing truth or dare. You know, the usual."

I nodded my head in agreement, but there was a thought in the back of my mind, Rachel.

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