Sequel Chapter Twelve

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Tessa's pov

I woke up and picked up my phone...crap it's already one o'clock! Why didn't anyone wake me up!

Just then my bedroom door opened and Erika walked in holding a dress, in a bag covering it. "What's that?" I said sleepily.

"Oh nothing just a dress I got you for tonight. We're going out with team ten, everything's arranged and Tristan in babysitting. Now rest up, Jake told Me about your disagreement so I'm sorry about that but Jake is Jake and he seems to really hate Chance. I'll talk to him though." Erika said hanging the dress in my closet door.

"Thanks Rik...the boys still are pissed at him even though Jax is clueless he does what hunter does. In a way I think it's cute, but then I remember that chances kids hate him." I said smiling back at Rik but she could see right through my fake smile.

"You really love him don't you!" She said smiling. I nodded and Erika laughed while leaving. She told me to go back to bed so I did, why not
am I right?!

Wait?! What am I thinking I have dance at two! Crap! I got up and hopped in the shower, and then threw on some athletic clothes. I rushed down the steps, past the kids, and into the kitchen where I grabbed my keys and ran smack into someone!

I fell to the floor and then looked up! Tristan!!!!



I gave him a huge hug, Tristan had just gotten back from Europe where he was vlogging and making a movie. We sat down on the couch and talked for a while, while the kids all payed and watched TV.

I glanced at my phone and saw I had already missed dance so decided not to go. I pressed silent and turned back to Tristan. We decided to go out to lunch since Erika volunteered to watch the kids.

Tristan and I took an uber to Panera and I order broccoli cheddar soup and Tristan got a chicken salad. We laughed and talked forever, it felt good to catch up with him. But I haven't brought up Chance yet, so maybe I'll wait to tell him. Tristan is like my big brother and best friend so he is always a bit overprotective of me, but not as protective as Jake...

I glanced at my phone and saw I had a TON of missed calls from Chance. I excused myself from our table and walked outside to call Chance back.


Chance-"Hey! Oh I'm glad your okay!"

Tessa-"Why what happened?!"

Chance-"Someone shot someone in the mall in downtown LA and Erika said you went out to get lunch so I was worried about you. But I'm glad your safe!"

Tessa-"Aww well thanks for calling, and I'm fine. By the way I'm at Panera with Tristan so I call you tonight and maybe you can come over if Jake stops acting like a 5 year old and holding g grudges."

Chance-"Okay sounds good! I love you!"

Tessa-"I love you too!"

I hung up and walked back inside to find Tristan finishing his meal. We kept talking and then Ubered back home to the team ten house even though Tristan lives in a separate apartment. We said goodbye and I gave him a hug, watching his drive off in an uber.

Tristan's pov

I'm so glad Tessa is back to her fun bubbly self! I really missed my love able tessels! And thank god Chance is out of the way and back in Ohio, now maybe I have a chance and being with the girl of my dreams. That man needs to stay FAR away from her...after all the pain he caused my tessels, oh if I see him again it will be too soon... plus what kind of guy leaves his own kids! Like no! I would be a way better father...

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