Chapter 68

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Chances POV

We all know that the biggest regret I have is breaking up with Tessa, but I really didn't want to say that. Without thinking I began to talk.

Chance-"Oh umm probably when I broke up with Tessa..."

Chad-"OH HONEY!!!!"

Tessa blushed a deep shade of purple and I winked at her, making Tessa giggle.

After Anthony jumped into the lagoon it was Tessa's turn and this time she picked dare.

Jake-"I dare you to kiss Chance on the lips for ten seconds."

Tessa hung her head and blushed.

Tessa-"You okay with this?"

I nodded my head and she walked over to me. Our lips met and team ten started counting down. Things hit real heated and Tessa was starting to take off her shirt but I stoped her because we were in the kitchen. I looked over to realize team ten stoped counting and that we defiantly exceeded our ten seconds... Tessa blushed and so did I as we returned back to our spots on the floor.

Chad-"Chance, wanna make a bet?"

Chance-"Umm sure."

Chad-"Okay have Tessa sit on your lap for the rest of the night and if you get a you know what, you lose. And owe me 100 dollars."

Chance-"no im not making that bet..."


Chance-"You know what, fine Chad deal."

We shook hands and I realized I was about to lose 100 dollars...

Tessa's POV

I moved over on top of Chances lap and smiled at him. I sort of though he was going to, but somehow ten minutes later he didn't. I tried to be still but ten minutes later I uncrossed my legs and felt something. Oh gosh Chance. I tried to act like nothing was there but it was so obvious, at least me and him were the only ones who knew. Gosh Chance was so stupid, he made a bet he knew he couldn't win...😂

Chad-"Guys in going home. Jake tell me if I one the bet."

Tessa-"alright, bye Chad!"

Chance-"see ya later!"

Chad left the room and I laid down on Chance. I was really tired but apparently could not leave his lap until 5 am. My eyes began to feel heavy and I rolled over facing Chance.

Chance-"Lets go to the trampoline."

I nodded and smiled while Chance and I sat on the trampoline. He grabbed a blanket from the couch and threw it on top of us. I knew he had already lost the bet, but why bring that up when we have an excuse to cuddle...

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