Chapter 12

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Tessa's POV

Tessa-"umm nothing"

Chance-"yeah we were looking for the key".

Emilio-" I didn't know the key was in Tessa's mouth..

I giggled. I couldn't help it. I turned to face Emilio when two hands grabbed my hips, lifting me out of the water. I watched Emilio walk away and then Chance and I stood up and got out of the pool.

I walked upstairs and we decided to take a shower. I hoped in the shower and made Chance stand on the other side of the curtain.

Tessa-"hey Chance, can you pass me a towel"?

Chance-"umm, sure. Here you go"!

Tessa-"shut your eyes so I can change."

Chances POV

Tessa grabbed my hand and I shut my eyes tight. I opened my eyes a minute later and she had already put on pajamas.

I pulled her back into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. A few minutes later I shut off the water and asked T for my towel.

Tessa-"umm Chance... your towel is on my bed."

Chance-"oh no. Uh shut your eyes and follow me."

Grabbing her hand, I lead her into her bedroom.  I pickup my towel wrapped it around my waist and she giggled. I tried to hide the blushing. I looked at her and she leaned in. I grabbed her face and our lips touched once again. Our mouths moved in sync and I accidentally  dropped my towel. Quickly, I grabbed it off the floor and looked up. I covers my self and saw Tessa smiling. "Sorry" Tessa said blushing. I leaned in and we continued to kiss. I sat back and rested my head on a pillow.

Jake-"Guys I got the key! There you go."

Tessa-"thanks man, wow my wrist feels weird."

Chance-"yeah same"

Jake-"see you guys later"!

I walked out of the room and kind of missed Tessa. But I was distracted by a text from Rachel.

(Text messages)


C-what's poppin

R-how are you?

C-👍🏻. How are you?

R-great now that I'm talking to you😋

C-haha same

R- So wanna meet up?

C-Sure. How about tonight?

R-that works!

C-Do you want to get sushi around 7?


C-okay I will pick u up!

Tessa's POV

I walked downstairs and saw Chance smiling at his phone. I smiled back and said "hey"!

Chance-"hey, what time is it?"

Tessa-"oh it's almost 6:35"

Chance-"oh shoot I've  got to go.."

Tessa-"why? do you have a date or something?"

I sat down in the couch next to him. And l put my head on his shoulder.

Chance-"no, I'm just getting sushi!"

Tessa-"cool can I come?"

Chance-" Um no sorry".

He quickly stood up grabbed his wallet and left. I knew some thing was up. I figured it would be best to let it go, but did our kiss really mean nothing to him. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I thought we had a bit of a thing.

Chances POV

When I arrived at Rachel's hotel suite I knocked on the door.

Chance-"ready to go?"

Rachel-"yup, I love sushi"

Chance-"I don't like it that much but I love spicy tuna rolls!"

Rachel-"Same. You look really handsome tonight."

I thanked her as we pulled into the restaurant. The night was fun! We talked about Ohio, school and how she wanted to move to LA.

When the night ended I noticed the way the blonde hair shone in the light. I leaned in and pecked her on the lips. She looked up at me.

Rachel-" Chance, I know I might be rushing things but I really like you, will you be my boyfriend?"


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