Chapter 14

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Tessa's POV

Putting on a fake smile I walked over to Rachel, attempting to be nice.

Tessa-"Nice to meet you"!

She glanced at Chance and studied me up and down.

Rachel-"Nice to meet you too!"

I hugged her and when she hugged back she whispered in my ear "This is a warning. Stay away from Chance or you won't live another day...and he will pick me over you anyways!"

Quickly I ended the hug and walked upstairs. While Running into my room  a single tear dropped down my face. I knew that I was in love with Chance Sutton.

My door began to open and Erika walked in...

Erika-"Hey Tessa, are you okay."

I looked at her and shoved my head in my pillow. She patted my head and rubbed my back.

Erika-"If he can't see that your amazing, than he doesn't deserve you!"

Tessa-"Thanks rik."

Erika-"Now I want you to go out there looking fleek and show your man what he's missing".

Tessa-"You're right! I will be downstairs in fifteen minutes!"

Erika walked out of my room and I put on a white lace dress that had a v-neck. I fixed my eyeliner and mascara while throwing on a pair of white heels. I walked downstairs where everyone was talking. I walked right down and sat right next to Chance. Rachel stared at me but I continued to smile. I talked to Chance and Erika the most but as we were getting in the van I ran up to nick and touched his hair.

Nick-"What the.. Tessa!"


After a short ride there we arrived. It was a sushi restaurant, my favorite!

Chances POV

After Tessa got ready I could not take my eyes off her. We talked forever but I made sure to include Rachel so she wasn't left out. When we arrived at the sushi place Tessa practically pushed nick out of his seat in order to sit across from me. I stared deep into  her perfect brown eyes and noticed how perfect she is. Just then Rachel leaned in and kissed me, but the spark was gone. I wasn't sure why but something was off.

Rachel-"Everyone, I have an announcement! Now that Chance and I are a thing, I have bOught an     Apartment near the team ten house!"

Oh no. No this can't be happening. 

Chance-"wow that's great I say!"

Everyone keeps talking and without even knowing, I begin to flirt with Tessa. Her smile lights up a room and she is like a bubble of happiness!

At the end of the night, Rachel said that she wanted me to move in with her because she thought Tessa had a crush on me. I wanted to stay but before I could think Rachel smashed her lips against mine. When we broke apart for air I saw Tessa standing in front of us on the verge of tears. "You win, just take him!" She shouted. I ran after her but she locked her door.

Tessa's POV

When I walked out of the kitchen and saw Chance and Rachel making out. " You win, just take him!" I yelled. I could not take it anymore. Crying, I ran and ran, straight to my room. I was done with the games, with everything.

Someone knocked on my door.

Chance-"Can I come in?"

I unlocked the door and Chance pulled me into a kiss. Sparks flew even more than before and the passion continued to grow.

Tessa-"I can't do this, you have a girlfriend... I'm done with these games..."

Chance-"Tessa, I really like you and I'm sorry, I didn't think you liked me so when rachel asked me to be her boyfriend I said yes..but what happened between you two?"

I explained everything to him and without saying a word he left. A minute later he came back in. "Tessa- " I kissed him. He kissed back and pulled away. " I broke up with Rachel" he said. I pulled him back into the kiss and I began to slowly pull off his shirt, until Jake walked in. I was so embarrassed, but then Jake screamed "CHESSAAA"!!!! And ran out. Chance laughed and we walked downstairs.

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